Clarke - BV4500_C46_1659_v1

The Table. How elfe may we fecure our felves againft the fleh ? 418. Bywhat other means may the Fethbe fubdued e 419. How may the Spirit be ftrengthened to obtain the vietory? 422. What fins moil woundand weaken theSpirit ? 423. How maywechear up the Spirit in this conflict? 424. The Flefh, and Spirit being but qualities, how canthey be laid to fight together ? 426. How doth the luftof the Flefh thew it felf? ib. What are the contrary af.tions oftheSpirit ? ib. Why is there fuch a contrarietybetween the flefhand Spirit ? ib. But naturali men alto havea combate inthem ? 427. Have all Believers this combate in them ? ib. What arc the effeétsof it in the godly? ib. Whether good works are fins ? OEtjeótions Aufwered. ib. CHAP. XLIII: About Confcience goodand bad. - .E l6 .114-11 6. What is Confcience ? 420. What is thecommon fubjeét of Confcience ? ib. What is the end, oroffice ofConfcience? 130. What is theScripture word for Confcience ? ib. VVhére is the feat ofConfcience ? ib. VVhy is it feared in a man ? ib. VVhat is theoffice ofConfcience ? ib. How manifold is the witnefs ofConfcience? 43L. What is a good Confcience ? ib. Whatmakes up a good confcience ? ib. Howdothan evill co,fcience faile in its properworks ? ib. What mutt concur to the renovationof confcience ; ib. What fince mans fall is counted a good confcience ib. Whatother definitions of confcience ? ib. Howmany fortsofa good confcience are there ? 432. ,What goodnefs mutt concur to the making of itup? ib. VVhat thenis a trulygood confcience ? ib. Whatmuft it be purified from ? ib. Howmuff it bepurified ? ib. i What mutt confcience be pacified from ? ib. What mutt confcience be pacifiedbye 433. 'What are the Offices ofconfcience ? ib. Howmany forts of good confciences are there ? 434. Howmay fincerityofconfciencebe known ? ib. Is there not a finfull tendernefs ofconfcience ? 437. Can all that fuffer fay, that they fuffer for confcience, and forGode 44o '1 what rulesare to be obferved in the fuffering for a,good confcience ?44r What is the benefit ofa good confcience? 442, ¡What is the danger ofan evil confcience ? 444 Is