Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Yerf.3z l'RnvERBs, 101 w.ifcry that fhould come vpon them,Read lob z t.7,8,91c and z2.i7.18,i9.Pfal.37.emd37. Efay 2.7. Ezech.7.i 9,, Firf}, the Lord in hatred befloî etlh great things vpon `41fOra t, many of his reprobate enemies , with purpofe to plague them therewith, that their tablemay beafnarevnto them, and theirproflierity their ruine, P/a1.69.zz. Their wayprofearth jere,n. 11.1,3 andtheyare inwealth , the he mayplace out likefheepefor the flaughter, andprepare themfortheday offlaaeghter. When men dry vp the milks ofvnruly heifers, and put them into fatte pallures to gather BA] , is it not their intent , eyther to kill them fhortly, or to fell them to the Shambles ? Eucri fuch is Gods husbandry in the vfage of beaffly reprobates , as Pharao, Saul, Ieroboam, Herod,and a huge number ofothers doe know and feels by experience. Secondly, as his counfell hath deffinated their profperity Z tofuch a purpofe, Co will his iuflice bring them to fuch a change, that thofe whichhaue their time to hue in picafure on earth , mull at the Jail lie vnder the burden of torment in hell, Dike. a 6.25 . ea4. t 8.7. Thirdly , the abundanceof earthly comm. ödities , de- 3. lights,pre}erments,areoccafìonsofgrcar cuiis to godlesper_ fons,and make them fit for deflruaion;for their mindes arc puffed vp, & their hearts much hardned by them:thcygrow fecure and careleffe, yeacontemners ofGod and his word : they troll to their wealth& power,and imbolden themfelues incouetoufnes, cruelty,infolency,luxury, and in all kindeof enormous vices, &c. Inflruc} ion, to feeke for witedome and the (careofGod, Ty?. before riches,or honour,that thoumayefl hawpower toor- der themaright, if euer God fee it meete to bellow them vp- on thee. Theywhich haue much without them, and littleor nothing within them, are like children fetvpon wild horfs, which becaufe they want skill and f}rcngth to gonerne, will plunge them,and throw them& rpoyle them,neither only is grace tobe laboured for fir(}, but altomoll, that it exccedc our worldly welchat all times:otherwife a godly manmaybe call downs by his polrcllïons,ifhe grow greater than good. M 4 Tama, 3-