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102. ï`i0Vi RtS. Oar r.. 7uid confefIeth he Cooke a fall by toomuch fecurity út hispr0J erotps ofOtte. And king yztiahwent lame tohis graue by prefuring too far,when hewas fohighly advanced. That holy Prophet Agur had a^: much humilityas wet haue, and could as well rulehis affeetionsas we can; yet bee dura not truf# himfelfe with metreofriches,le(t hee fliould thereby waxe impious and prowd again($God,butprayed as fcrioufy againfl immoderate wealth, as ouermuch want, and flood in no letfe dread of fuperfluity, than of indigency : Second. ly, not to be impatient, or difcoñtented, ifthe Lord diet vs, being foapt to furfet, and detame that from vs, which hee Teeth would be vnwholefome and hurtful' tovs : Thirdly, not to be diflemperedor difcouraged, whenwee fee the wìc. ked aloft in dignity, the higher they are, the lower they (hail fall : neither to fret at them, orliue like them, when they fin their houleswith preciousthings , their excefflue (loreand fuperabundancewill prooue tobe a floud and invndation, to- fwallow them vp,and drowne them, Verfe 3 3. But hee that obeyed; me(hall dwell J felyfrom ferre ofeuill. Ally, this point is atmplified,and fo (hut vp bythe con- trary; namely,the behavior and conditionof the godly; altogether oppolste to that ofthe (imple ones,fcorncrs,and' books formerly defcribed for thefe heere commended def. pife not Wifdome, nor turne away from her, but hearkenat- tentiuely& yeeld obedience to her : and therefore they !hie not in danger of cleath,ofplagues and puni(hments,but dwell /4/y' areout of peril' ofde(iruc`hon, or ofanyhurt, though notexempted from all eroifes & Cuferìngs, and bequiet f orn fege ofemil, not onelyno euili it Celle, fuch as would benoy. (bonne and perniciaus,fhall affray them, but not fo much as a fufpicion & dread ofit (hallgoero his heart todifmay him; yet becaulc no man can perfectly obey Wifedome in all things, the heft in their infirmities are fometimes perplexed and troubled with doubts, but neuer fubdued or vtterly dif couraged by them. See Chap. r o, verfe 9. AN