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J Secondly, the Gofpell is preached to all promifeuoufly : 2. both good and bad doe heare it : thewor(} are fometimes at Sermons, or may be fo, as well as the bell : but wee may fay with the Apoflle, The word that they heare doth not profit Heb. 4. z. them, becaufe it is not mixed with faith in tholethat heare it; Co that it hath nor fo profitable a force where it doth not finde a faithful' attention. Thirdly, this gift being fo rare, fo precious, a.nd fo inva- luable, the refufail of it mull needes be as contemptuous : and therefore Gods kinde proffer byman fu vnkindely reie- &Id, is madealtogether vnprofitable, though not vfeleiTe: for it turneth to be effec`luall againfl their foules, that will not fucke of the vertue of it to be faued by it. See Chap. 9. verfe 5. Hide, &c.1 They (hall enjoy the comfort and benefit of Do8ir.z. the word, which are careful' to retayne it. See Chap. i o. verfe 14. Verte z. madcare thine wares to hearken vnto wifedome) and incline thine heart to vnderfanding. T H E particular 'luti es are the exerc ife ofthofe 'wanes whereby knowledge and grace is obtaincd,which being fouce in number, two are contayned in this Verfe, one in the third, and the fail in the fourth. The former of the two, is arrentioq of the cafe, not hearing onely, but hearkening and diligent heede-taking to that which is fpoken, maktñg the care to attend and hearken, The latter i'n place, though bra in order, is thedelire ache foule,whick metaphorically, . and by a comparifon from corporal' fubaances, hee called-) the bowing of the heart, the inforcingof it, by the hi- 1pe of the Spirit, to be religioufly affcdcd at Gods facred Qrdi. cane's. Whofoeuer will attayne to Iearne Wifedome, mull ap-a ply both his cares and heart to the gettingofit. Wicked menwill ieepe the .n together to fatisfie their Gnui1 delights, and to ha4en thcintelues in that which is cuill