Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

ROVERBS. ap.2. mandements, to keepe them carefully being receiued, which is cxprelfed and made lightfome by a comparifon taken from the charincffe of men in preferuing of their mory, their íewels, or ought cite that is precious vnto them : for fuck things they vfe to lay vp fafely, and keepe themvnder locke and key, that they be not robbed or beguiled of them. Doîlr.I. eceitue, &c.} Men are nothing the better for hearing of Gods word vnleffe they imbarce andentertaine it. It is wholefome counfell that eliphaz. giueth to lob) if his ground and application of it had beentt au fwerable : AAcyuaint thy felfe, I pray thee, with God, andmale peace thereby. thorn fhalt hake projieritie. Receitie, Ipray thee,the Law of his mouth, and lay vp his words in thy heart. What made the godly Thetlalonians to grow fo fall in goodnclTe, and the Apofile to take fo great contentment in their faithfulneife, patience, conflancie, and happineffe ? himelr'e loth yield Tilef. 2. 13. the reafon, when hee faith ; For this caule thanl`e wee God wi!hout ceafing, that when yee receiuedof vs the word of the preaching of God, yee receiued it not as the word of'men, bxt (as it is andeede) the word ofGod,whichworkethinyou that be- lease. And what was the caulk why all the grounds, pathy, (Ionic, thornie, and good, haying (cede caf}vpon thern,yet one onely, the good, anf ered to the trauell and charges of the lower ? Becaufe fome receiued not all, and others not well, and none but that one were prepared for it the high- way wouldnot admit of it, that it might fo much as enter : the rockie places would not afford it rooting : and the thornes would not fuller it to ripen. Reade (hap. 8. i o. ,lames 1.2 I. Heb, 6i. 7. John t. Reafon z. Firff,the internal! partsofmaneas theminde;theaffethons., the foule, and confcience, arc ficke of (inne, and wounded with the corruptions of flefh and bloud,and ;hence all the diforders of fences, of fpeeches and ofattons : if therefore this medicine be not internally receiued, and in- wardly applyed co the difcafedparts, it can neuer cure the maladies of them. Secondly, ob 12.22. I