Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

6% h. i13PQYK ;9 lit @3 , s.r sQ.'d, °' .'. 4 ,t > ca ° ?`) (.4 8P .rz2 ' si .-v / %a. JM 44. i. kw, _ A .Summarie of all the Doctrine col, . lededout of the üerall Verfes of thefe three Chapters. CH 8. VERSE. I. Dod. Hatfoeuer any manbell loueth, that hewill with greatefl diligenceandprovidence labourfor. Verle I I. Dos. It is the roote ofafinfull man to bee poffeffed withfelfe-liking , andwilfitlneffe in his owne wayes. Verfe VII. Doc,`}. Euillwordsare mollpernicious to thofe thatfpeak! them. Verfe I X. Doa. Afloathfullperfonflandeth in thefiate ofafiend-thrift. Verfe X. Do& They lime in belfafety that are moll af faredofGodsfatter. Verfe X I I I. Doi}. They that are tooforward andhally infreaking , areapt to fallinto abfurd lies, when theyfpeake. Verfe X I I II. DOS}. 1. No troubleor affliElion is too heauiefor a cheerefullhark tovndergoe. Do&}. 2. Thehorrour ofa terrified confcience , is an importable btsrthen. Verfe XV. DoS}. i. He that wouldbe wife tofaluation , msi apply both his heart andcares to Gods holyword. DoS}..