Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

THE CONTENTS. DUA. i. They that bane thebelknowledge, are the moll willin tobornemore. Verle XV II. Dom ..A bad cage commonlybath the aduantac;e at the begirt. 'rung, anda goodcalifepreuaileth in theend. Verle X'VIII. Doa. Thena lot is lawfully vfed, when it eitherprocured) orpre feruethpeace andequity. Verfe X IX. Doe. The moreneerelymonare knit together, themoregreater the breach is,when iarres doegrowbetwecne them. Verle XXII. Doti. They oneyfpeede wellin mariage, whomGod maketh the match forinmercy. Verle XX I I I. Doe. Aff li& ion and a lowe Mate , is a meanes to bringmen te lowlybehaviour. Verle X X I I I I. Doi}. It is invaine for him to expect confiant kndneffe from*, thers,which is careleffe toperforme duties to others. CHAP.i9. VERSE. I. Do& Hey that beefmallandgody , are inbetter cafe the* fach a begreat andwicked. Verle I I. Don. L./inhart altogether ignorant,is altogether corrupt&fanfisl. Doe. 2, whatfoeuer is rafhly done, is ill done. Verle III. Does. I. Every manshurt lothgrowfrom his ownfanne &' folly. Doò1. 2. AJbb&tionsoftenmak_eman),wickedmen theworfe. Verre 1III. Doc& Flelhymen lowe onely themfelues, vnderpretence offriend I flip to others. Verle V. Doe. T. Howfoeuerfalfewitnef espreuaileagainfi others,theyy Jld bePure tofp.eedeill then:felucs. Doa.z. Noher can lithe ixanygoodfafet. Dos.