Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

supralapfarians charge not rod Sovereigne power and abfolute libertie ; but To crown or damne is an a& of yudiciary power, and proceedeth according to the te_ nour of the revealed Gofpel. The of he doth , not taking mens different ads ens for the ground thereof : the other he doth according to mens different anions. The Geodnefi of God is as it were a firm tie upon him, to do no man injultice: but it tiethhire not. in beneficiis gratuitis, to do all the good unto every fingular man which he could do without any violating of bis Juflice. He that Mall avouch, that God could not have eleéed Cain or Judas untoglory, by preparing for them eíeduall grace, without 9vronging of his a(lice , ma- keth Fledion and Non.eledion to be ne.- ceffiry and not free ads in God. For the perfeéion ofthe Divine nature is fuch, as neceffarily excludeth a clafhing of any of his Attributes one againft the other. And therefore if God Mould have wronged his .Tufiicc if he had not predeflinated .Peter, his Predeflination was not an ad of mercy but of neceffarie jultice : And ifGod could not have predeflinated Judas without plain wronging ofhis frsfiice, then the Preterition or Reprobation of Judas was not an a& proceeding from that libertie which God ufeth in the erernall preparation and tempo- rall donation of his fupernaturall benefits, but