Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

94 f Supralapprians charge not God .utterly difclaim ir. Firff , becaufe it lieth not upon God to provide means for mens damnation, thefe fpringing from their own free and defectivewill. Ifhe by the effecu- all grace prepared in Predeflination do not furnith themwith the infalliblemeans offal- vation, they will voluntarily and infallibly furni(h themfelves with the means of their damnation , as the exampleboth of angels and men non-elected doth clearly prove. Secondly, that conceit of Before and Behind inthe everlafting decrees or cogitations of God hath no folid or reali truth in it. The immanent as of Gods will and underftand- ing are not one before and another after, as ours are which proceed upon diícouríe, though in things wilted and Peen there is Be- fore and After, Firfl, second, Third, accord- ing to thenature ofdependence. Lift ofall, no inflant can beAligned in eternity, when God thought ofproviding r,fifryfor his crea- ture, excluding the cogitationof be,tonving anygoodupon it. For the obje&ion of Slaughtering &eafls without injnflice,we'grant it is of no force to prove that God may appoint many to be tormented in hell without all refped unto fume: becaufe the Slaughtering or Saving of beafls alive is no adof jujftice or injuflice; but the Crowning of men in the kingdorne ofglory is anal ofremunerative jutlice,and the