Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

with mans def1ruttiort; I I i boni, which maketh a damned perfon pre. ferre Not-being before being in pains and eternal! torments. Whatfoever be determined, concerning X the problematical) question it felf ;. I wil- lingly grant, that God had never fuch an abfolute antecedent intent of damning millions of innocent men as this authour chargeth the Supralapfarians withal!. And I further adde,, That thofe who imagine the decrees of Predeflination and Reprobation to be fecundùm noflrum modem intelligendi before the decree ofpermitting, and confequently before the abfolute previfion of mansfinne, do eafily clear themfelves from this accufa. tion, as hathbeen already fhown. Paulus Ferius hath thefe words tending to this purpofe, g Voluit guidon Deus non beat- gschol care9udam, fine ullo refpectu peccati ; taren °rth.'D non habaitvoluntatem infligendi ponam, nifi ló p.4 proper peccata, gaze in eo przevidit. And he fheweth there, that many School -men have imbraced this opinion. He who in regard of Gods eternal! and r abfolute decree of eleting whom he plea- feth, andnot-eleaing whom he pleafeth to paffe-by, (hail termG od adevourer of thofe fouls whom he permitted' to fall into eter- nail mifery through their own default, nei- ther fpeaketh nor-thinketh fo reverently of God as he fhould. God delighteth not in the