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withmensfinnes. 12 t me, &c. Rom. Li i, z4. Becaufe when they knewGod, they g1 rifledhim not c God : therefore God gave them up to their hearts lull, to vile afeaions, and to a reprobate mind. Revel. 22,. I He which is unjuft, let 'himbe unjufi`. fill. In thefe places and many morewe may fee, that perlons left to them- felves are finners onely ; andnot all (inners, but the obfti- nate and wilful!, which will byno means be reclaimed. But the permiflion which they mean, is an anof Gods antece- dent will, exercifed about innocent men, lying under noguilt at all in Gods eternall confideration. z. Permiffîon, (R ) a- bout whomfoever it is exercifed, obftinate finners or men con- fidered without finne, is no more then a not-hin,dring of them from falling that are able to íland, and fuppofeth a pof-. fibility of finning or not- tinning in the parties permitted: But with them it is a withdrawing or withholdingof 'grace needfull for the avoiding of hnne, and fo includeth an abfo- lute neceflitieof finning : for from thewithdrawing of fuch grace finne mull needs follow, as the fall of Dagons houfe followed Samfons plucking away the pillars that werenecef- farie for the upholdingof it. Maccovius in two difputations, Maccov. Cola, expounding this word Permiion, circumfcribethit with- 1.1'e0ioifp9- in twoans: the firft of which, is afnibtraóion of Divine alli- fiance neceffary to the preventing of finne. And having proved it by two arguments , that none may think he is a- lone in this, he faith, that he is compaffed about with a cloud of witneffes, andprod uceth two : The firft of them is our reverend and (S) learned Whizaker , force of whole words alledged by him are thefe, d Permiffionof fine, is aprivati- d Pa'.rs. onof that aid, which being prefent , fzae would have been Permifiio kindred. The fecond is Pareús; for faying that ethat help átio axi which God withdrew from Adam, being withdrawn, fldam Divini,qucá could notfo ure his endowments as toperfevere. And this do- polite, pecc$- &tine (faith he) is defendedbyour men, as it appeareth out of turn impedí Pareus, lib. 7Jegratia primi hovninis, cap.4. pag.46. recur. e Subtraao Their permiflion therefore of finne being. a fubtra&ionof auxilio Dei neceffary grace, is equivalent to anaauall eífeauall procu- homo [Ado- ring and working of it ; ( For cau¡a deficiens in neceffarriis mus] iflis fa- eft eficiens, a deficient caufe in things neceffary is truly of iici- f}andumusbe- ènt. )' and fo is but a mere fig-leaf to cover the foulneife of ne uti non' their opinion. potuir. I I. There are (T) two things (they fay) in every Diftinc`t.z, ill a5t : I. The materiall part, which is the fubfl:ance ofthe anion; z. The formali part, which is ;heevil or obliouity of