Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

with mens finnes. 12S 3, This difiinaion falleneth upon God a further afperfi- on , and loadeth him with three fpeciall indignities more. a. Want (0)of Wifdome and Providence. His counfels muff needs be weak, if he can find out no means to glorifie his juftice, but by thebringing-in of thine, which his foul hateth, into theworld, and appointing men to commit it, that fo he may manifeft juftice in the punishment of it. z. Want (A) of Sincerity and plain dealing with melt. Tiberius (as Suetonivs reporteth) having a purpofe to put the two fonnes of German.icus, Drufus and Nero, to death, ' u- fed fundry cunning contrivances to draw them to revile him , that reviling him they might be put to death ; and herein is juilly cenfured for great hypocrifie. And fo if God having appointed men by his abfolute will to inevi- table perdition , do decree that they flail finne , that fo they may be damned for thofe finnes which he decreeth and draweth them into; he diffembleth, becaufe he flaugh- tereth them under a pretext of juftice , for finne, but yet for fuch finnes onely as he bath by his eternall counfel appointed as the means of their ruine. 3. Want l' ) of Mercy in a high degree; as if he did fo delight inblond, that rather then he will not defiroy mens fouls , hewill have them live and die, in finne, that he may defiroy them : Like to thofe Pagan Princes , of whom Jufline Martyr Apolog.z.two or three leaves from the beginning, faith , g They were afraid that all fhould be tuft , left they fhould have none to punifh. But this is thé difpofition ofhang- men , rather then of good Princes And therefore,farre be thefe foul enormities, and in particular this latter, from the God of truth and Father of mercies. And thus notwithflanding thefe diflinc`Iions, it is (in my conceit) moll evident, That the rigid and upper way maketh God the authour of wens finnes as well as pu- nifhments. And fo much for the firft generali Inconve- nience which arifetla from this opinion, namely the Dif. honour of God. oqirvig= f Sueien: ir! vit. Tiber. e. S4 Variá fraude indu- xit ut cone-, tarentur ad convitia, & concitati perderentu g Videmini veten nè omnescolant j uílitiam, atque ità de- fint in quos animadver- tatis. Veritua lime cura fuit magls carni- ficurn quà:n bonorum prictcipuan