Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

with mensfinnes. whereby Reprobates are necef itated or caufed either to live or die infnne, is ut- terly falfe. Négative Reprobation impli- eth no fuch caufalitie. And as for the de- cree of damnation ( which fome call Pofi- tive Reprobation ) it procureth no mans frnnes , though it import a neceffitie of un- dergoing juft punifhment for finne. The peremptory decree of excluding men out, of heaven and tormenting them in hell, is one thing ; and the abfolute decree of Permitting men by their own defective free-will to fail in the atteinment ofheaven, and to fall into the torments of hell, is an- other. The former is a judicial' ativr de- cree, and refpeaceth men as Gods eternal' knowledge findeth them in egreffu ex hac vita. The latter is an atl of Gods abfolute and fovereigne dominion, freely difpofRg of the preparation and donation or of the withholding and denyingof that which he oweth unto no man, according to the liber- tie of his ownwill. pois tam imprudens qui dicat voluntatem excludendi of icaciter aliquem a f[ne, V voluntatempermittendi ilium proffa libertate deficere á fine, non c ff voluntates di- What is alledged out of Calvine to prove that God, to effehis decree ofabfo- lute Reprobation, procureth or worlçeth in reprobates their actions, proveth PQ x39 Pe io tt. lib. 7. cap. z3. §,4 Penott. lib.7. 3. § to.