Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

Supralaprarians chargenet God is thereby even in thephrafe of holy Seri, pture faid to flirre them up to thole atti- ons. I want paper-room here to explain a point of fo deep confideration. I will one- ly fay this, on the behalf of Calvine, that he attributeth unto God no other pofitive ad in the finnes of men then the Scripture doth, and in noother meaning then it doth. And it were no hard matter to fhew , that S. Augufline, the ancient Schoolmen, yea, the very Papifis and Jefüites themfelves, when theyhave railed againf} Calvine for making God the authour of finne, are at length forced by evidence of Scripture to grant as many pofitive as of God conver- fant about the fins of men,and if not in the fame words, yet in words equipollent and as expreffe as ever Calvine ufed. It is there- fore a weak inference and a falle collediòn which this Authour maketh from Calvines forenamed propofitions. For God , who ( according to Calvines doctrine) appointed noman to torments but onely in refpea of his mifdeeds, did not tie himfeif to bring about any mans ruine; neither did he there- by debarre himfelf from furnifhing any wicked man with fufficient means and re- medies; neither doth he fo over-rule by any decreeofhis the wills ofwicked and repro- bate men, that their liberty is extinguifhed, or