Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

withmens finnes. 143 or a neceffitie of committing this or that particular finne impofedupon them. Thefe are dreams and fanfies which by theoccafi- on of i e doarine of abfolute Predeflinati- on and Reprobation have rifen out of the addle heads of the Remonfirants : they are no rl ce[fary confequents arifing from the doctrine it felf: And therefore by no juff confequent can it beproved or concluded, that, abfolute Predeftination and abfolute Preterition or negative Reprobation make God the authour of finne. An Anfirer to the Confiderations pag. 116, &c. GOd bath nohand at all in the producZi- H on oftinfoil ations as they haveforma- vid I. lem rationem peccati or mali moralia , which confifleth in the deficiency or obliquitieof the will oppofite to the ílraight rule of Gods law. Of this defe± or malicious crookedneffe God neither is nor pofiibly can be a Phyficall or Morali caufer. But all finfull and defetive a Lions have a f b_ ftratum peccati ; which is a naturali anion of the mind, or of the, body, or both. This naturali action whereunto the formali rea-- fon of finne cleaveth , hash a pofitive and reali being: and therefore it muli be redu- ced unto God, as Augufline bath truly con- chided againfl the Manichees ; to whom he giveth