Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

144 De duab. anim. cont. Manch. c. d. in fine. Supralapfarians charge not God giveth this admonition, a Vt eos fequi mat- lent qui omne quicquid e /yt, quoniam e/Ter, in quantúmque eject , ex uno Deo e/fe pradica- rent. If any, difputing for abfolute Predeffina. tion and Reprobation, make God the caufe of that which giveth unto the free anions of men the formall reafon ofthe irfnne, let him be anathematized : But if they make God the caufe ofthat inward or outward naturali action wherein this malitious defe t of mans will is found, they hold nothing but what their very Adverfaries are forced togrant. Vide Penet.lib.8.cap. i r . §.9.p.ß.77. b RuiZ,. De volunt. difp. ti7. §.3. num. i 7. Vhi tres modos agnofcit quibus allionempeccati e á Deo traduntfch©lastici. And Suarez faith, Omnes convenient proprio & reali influxu concurrere Deum ad hos aaus liberi arbitrii ut reales aclus font, etiamfipeffimi & intrin- opufc.t.i. fece mali flint : And yet " omnes etiam con.. d. P'z6. ve, iunt, Deum abfolute, &fmpliciter none an caulm peccati. So Valentianus, e Entitatem On- q' 19 prave aelionis omnes fatemur cadere involun- Pu 436 tatemDivinam cram ft, e7 effe á Dco tanquam ht cauja univerfali concurrente cumvolantate humana. I wonder how that fhould be blafphemie when it cometh from Calvine or Beza, which is found divinitie when it cometh from their adverfaries. As for that which is