Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

w thmens finnes. Thirdly , God alfo decreed to make a colleítion and concurrence ofthofe circum- flances and occafions (goodalwayes as they come from God) whereupon God fore- faw that the finner would infallibly fall into. finne. Fourthly, God decreed to denie all filch means as in his infinite wifdome he knew would have prevented fuch finnes , and to afford them onely fuch means as he certain- ly knoweth they wilt voluntarily abufe un- to the committingof finne. Fifthly, God limiteth andordered] their .fins, that they !hall break forth in no other meafure, at no other time , upon no other perfons, then himfelf bath fore appointed. And lá}1y, God ordereth all the permit- ted finnes ofthe reprobate to his own glory and the good ofhis ele f. All thefe may in a good fenfe be called operative decrees or volitions of God, and not barely permiffive : In all thefe which are converfant about the finnes ofmen, there' is a pofitive will of God which'doth not onely permit men to worktheir finfull atti- on-s, but above and in thofe finfull ations bath his own good and holy work. And this is that Energeticall will which Cal- vine and Beza attribute unto God in mens finfull aftions ; which their very adverfa- ries are forced to acknowledge. As for any L 2 ener 1-6:3