Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

164 Supralapfarians charge not God energeticall will which fhould fo have a working in finfull aecions as that it fhould be the caufe quod talis aFio fit turn tä7de- feclu, or (in plainer terms) that shouldwork the contrariety or repugnancy of the finners will unto the law of God, this Calvine and Beza utterlydifclairn. And as for the ve- ry terms which theyufe in referring finfull aciions unto the will of God, the very fame in fubftance are ufed by all other Divines, though forre inwords are morearid then gpe fc ;e î_ others. I now quote that of Ruiz , 'gDei tiaDei,p. voluntate, confilia, decreto , definitione fieri 119. peccatorum P.Ctiones fignificat Scriptura. And h L;b 8.c. that of Penottus, h Hoc folúm fit in mundo, 2Z §, N co modo, &adeum finem, u od, 2 modoD6-. ad aremfirkin Deus volt illudfieri. Lib. 5.c. And , t Ipfa Divina caufilitas aliquo modo 9.p. 255 extenditur ad ipfa mala, non ficut ad effecium conftitutaun in effé per ip f m Divinam caufali- tatem, fed f cut, ad obje[lum circaquadveritur Divi?a caufalitas, vel illud impediendo nefiat, vel illudpermittendo fieri, &c. So that the queftion is not, Whether God haveonely a permiffive decree about finfull actions; for molt grant'hebath all() an operativedecree: but all thedifficulty is, In what manner and rneafure and by what means this decree bath his work upon the will. Calvine and Beza then might well tax all who grant onely a permiffive decree concerning