Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

1;8 Suprdapfit stns charge not God by experience that Traytours Sz Adulterers frillybent to commit filch wicked ads, can and oftentimes do refrain putting them in pra ice upon better deliberation. This is a demonflration, that theycan choofe the do- ing or the forbearing todo fuch wicked ads: and when they choofe to do them , it is not the decree of predeflination which forceth or necefsitateth them thereunto ; but they are direded thereunto by the deliberate vie of their underflanding, and refolved to do fuch asby the freeeletion oftheir own Corrupt will. S. Augufline,Profper, Fulgentius were all defenders of abfolute Election and Non- eleáior,andadverfaries to that Ele:,tion and Reprobation which the Pelagians and Semi- pelagians founded upon contrary good and bad adions forefeen in men, yet all ofthem d.ifclaimed this Necefsitation. Let Profper speak for them all three;t licit quòd qui Evangelicx prxdicationi non credunt. ex Dei prcedeftinatione non credant, & quodDens it4 definierit ut givicunqe non credunt ex ipfius con - flitutione non credant, non eft catIolicus. Non predeginatusperit irfa'elitate voluntariii, non coac`l. That which is here determined con- cerning infidclity,may as well be applied to Treachery, Adultery, or any other tranf- grefsion of Gods law : for in all fuch actions non-prudeffinati pereunt tranfgrefs ione volun- taria, non coacr The Act can. G ill,ferié. 14.