Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

withmens f :nnes. / : g.2 the reafons which the Authourbrings to prove that whatnecefsitateth mans willtofinne is thecauf offinne , make nothing againft S. Auguflines dotrine ofabfolute Predeflina- tion, until he can prove that filch a Goa&i- on or Ncccfsitation loth abfolutely follow thereupon. Which becaufe it was an harder matter then he was able to undertake, he let- teth it alone; and fomay wehis arguments. Yet we muff needs tell him his Philofo- phical fanf e,That mans free-wil is under the ánluperablecontrail ofnolordbut itfélf, is but unfoundDivinity.It is under the infuperable control! ofhim that made it; & fo fully,that Gerfon was not afraid to ufe the wordNecef- f ty by this Authour fomuchabhorred; Y Et fa Deus noneogit liberun arbitrium,potef tanl inducere necefsitatem adilludvalendiemquadfi- bi placuerit. And Abulenfs; vstat libertas ar- bitrii cumDivinamotioncvoluntatern noflram ad idquadvat applicante. This S. Au;uffine termeth z Omnipotentifsimiifacilitate conver- tere,& exnolentibusvolentesficere. Ifthis do- vine of the fupreme Dominion of mans will be lnainteined, Gods fupreme power in bending and turning mens hearts at his own pleafure, witnetfed through the wholebody ofDivine Scripture,muft be abandoned.Yet forall this we utterly deny that God by his infuperable &unconquerable power loth at any-timemake the wills ofmein not- predefli- M nate x Part., 3. fol. 3 33. Y In ;. TLeg; cap. I7.. ZEpzftar."7