Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

concerning Predeflination. naan ira mente Divìna exffens. of th¡Jefuite Vafquez; Predefiinatio efipropofrtumaternum Dei quo gratiam alicui prxparat in vitam e- ternam. And laílly Arminius himfelfgiveth us this defcription ; b Pr,edeflinatioeft decre- 6 DifP. turn beneplaciti Dei in Chriflo, quo arrud f ab p,sbl. Their. everno flatuit, fdeles quos fide donareedecrevit a s. vite aterná donare. In all thefe defcripti- ons, Predeftination conteineth an eternal', abfolute, infallible decree, as well for the givingof grace effeduall unto certain per- fons here, as the bringing of the fame per- fons unto glory hereafter. Arminius per- ceiving this, in his private difputations c c mc 40. peth out thole words , quos .fide dordare de- crevit, which he had ufed in his publick. Predeflination being an immanent and cord. I eternal! adof the Divineunderflanding and will, cannot be conceived as dependent up- N on any forefeen temporale ads ofMans free-will. A prime and eternal! caule cannot de- pend upon the felf,fame temporale of et s which are thereby caufed. If therefore Predeflination be the prime and eternal! caufe from whence Peters faith, repen- tance and perfeverance were derived , his forefeen faith, repentance and perfeverance cannot in any good fenfe be imagined ante- cedent caufes, merits, conditions or motives unto the DivinePredeflination, The