Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

Of The opinion, therefore is not to be blamed, un- leffe where from one extremity you have run into the other. A friend mighthave been fatisfied in this kind by private conference, or writing, though his Majefties Declaration had not been,- broken by printing and publifhing fuch controverfiall points. The main Clirv'praop is not What are the Decrees ofGod onelyconcerning the finali conditions ofmen; but, What are the De- crees of God concerning the différent pre- parationofgrace .whereby fomeare guided infallibly unto falvation, others are permit- ted through their own corruption or'vo- luntary t ranfgrelfion to fall into damnation. As for the ordering of fuch eteanall De crees by firft, fecond, third, fourth infiantia rationis (as they term them) it is a School- devife Unknown to the Ancients, and ne- ver'' attempted by any with good fuc- ceffe. No fide affirmeth an alfolute decree by force whereof Perfons not elected are ca.Ft offrom grace : for the non-elect An- gels and many millions ofmen not prede- átinatedhave hada great meafure of grace beftowed upon them. Reprobation is not a deniall of fufficient grace, but a denial' of filch 'fpeciall grace as God knoweth would infallibly bring tl etn toglory. Neither