Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

42 The Abfolute feen finali eflate of the wicked in their fins, was the intuitionof a molt juft and merito- rious caufeoftheir damnation. As for E- Lion and Preterition, all men being repre- Tentedunto God ele6ting as in the common ma%of fin and miferie, therecanbe found no oppofite qualities or anions in men whereupon to ground the oppofite decrees of Gods eternal!. Election and Reprobati- on. And therefore we think that faying of jI?kt. e.3 Calvinewarrantable ,1 Deus innegotio pre_ c'zz' deftinationis nonegreditur extra f ipfum. To which we adde another of the fame Au- n' ibid. C. thour ; m Si judiciomortis obnoxiifunt omnes z3 §'3' naturali conditione pos. Dominus ad mortem prtedeflinat , fi ex corrupta mafa del mtifont omnes , non mirum fi damnationi f bjaceant. There needed no fuch pains in heapingup Fathers for proofofthisconclufion, That there is no decree of damning men other- wife then upotrthe guilt, and for the milde- ferts oftheir finnes. Not onely Fulgentius, Augufline, Profper, but Calvine, Beza,and others whom you make Supralapfarians, De d. have conftantly defended this true do- Prr p. &rive. Calvine; m Quiffue fabipropriá incre- 709. Alit-ateeft damnationis autor. Beza r, ° Inepte ° Rnnot.in 9. adTnrn. faciunt, quiReprobationisdecretumcumDam- ver. i 5. natione eonfund.int : cumhujus caufamanifz- rLib.5.De attyib.ga.3. a fit , nempe peccatum; illius vera, fob Dei ¡a 506, volaunta-s. Zanchius PCertuni efl, Deum,J°c- ut