Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

decree cleared. the will of God to damne unbelievers, re= tein for fafhions fake the old words, but ob- trude a new notion of thofe words upon the Chriflian Church. In vain therefore it is to difpute with thofe about Eleí`fion and Preteritiori who reje t all the definitions or defcriptionsgi- ven byancient Divines, andbring newones of their own coyning. Ifinexplicating the decree of Predefli- nation (which is a decree preparing fpeciall and effetuall grace for the predeflinate ) and handling the oppofitedecree ofPreter-- ition or negative Reprobation ( which is a Decree, not of denying all grace, nor of caufing any malice, but onely of denying fpeciall grace) force of the Reformed Do- äours have run into any extremity, it be- cometh' judicious Divines not to run into another extremitie, by founding Elehion and Prererition upon the fore feen ads of mans will, but to keep the middle way, and to remember theold faying, Itáfogias rrjprxter capm. That which exafperateth theLutheranes againfl Calvines dotrine, was their own - colledion, That it made God the authour of finne, and a damner ofinen to hell-tor- ments onely for his mere pleafure, which opinionsare juílly to be detefled : But Cal- vine both by his own writings, and by di- vers