Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

66 Tht Aórolute fo he might afterwards cafl him into hell, this were to feel his mifery : but the finne and obflinacy in finne of all the damned, was their own and voluntary, not ofGods caufing, much leffe neceffitating. God is not to learn of us what maketh molt for his own glory. Hecould have up- held the Angels which made a voluntary apoílafie from him ; he couldhave upheld our fiat Parents ; he could by his fpeciall and effetuall gracehave brought every par- ticular man in the world unto falvation : and all this he could undoubtedly have done without prejudice to the Creatures free- will : But flncc .we know and fee he hath done otherwife, we muff confeffe that this order of Divine Providence, whereby he bathdecreed to guide and bring fome infal- liblyunto eternall happineffe, and whereby hehathdecreed topermit fome infallibly to fall into eternall mifery, dothmake moft for his glory. 4.Reafón APF.IN I- TY CO Fate Treatife. IV. The fourth, its Affinitie with the áld exploded et; rours of the Stoicks and Manichees. Theopinion(A)'of the Stoicks was,That all anions and events were unavoydable, determined either by the revolu- tions of the heavens and the qualities of fuch farms as reigned at mens births , or by the concatenation of naturali things and the difpoíitionof the Eft matter, all things be- ing fo put together from eternitie that one thing mull, needs follow another as it doth 5 and the prima materia