Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

70 , T'he \ bfblute eternall damnation 5 therefore 'tanfhallin- f4llibly and unalterably continue impenitent, and at length 6e damned, is a true inference. But this, God bath eternally fore een pats, &c. thereforeyudas (hall by coaaion or corn- pulllonofhis will be Made unalterably impeni- tent, and fo be damned, is a falle conclufion. In like manner to reafon thus, God inhis ab- folute decree of Reprobation or Non. elect on bath determinednot to give the rpeciall grace ofrepentance andperfeverance, not to 6e- flow upon him the benefit o feternall life ;there- fore fudas infallibly and unalterably will continue impenitent, obfiinate, and will dram uponhire f eternaildeath anddamnation, is a good inference : But this, God in his abflute decree,&c. therefore yudas is compelled to be 'impenitent and objiinate andfrnally damned, is not onely a weak and falle but a wicked in- ference. For as the infallible previfión of God Teeth from all_eternity the afions of men and their ends,and yet this makethnot the modus agendi tobe necefThry or irompul- fory, but maketh the agent moft free, as if' he had never forefeen it : fo the ablolute decree ofGod to workrepentance,faith and perfeverance inPeter, and fo to bring him infallibly' to eternall life, makethnot the a- &ions of believing , repenting, perfevering neceffary o compulfory, but maketh the agent moft free in performing thefeations; be-