Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

decree cleared. 7 r becaufe it giveth him that Spirit of which the Apof}le faith, Vbi Spiritus, ibi libertar. And for the contrary ábfolute decree of Not-giving faith, finali perfeverance and eternal! life unto the Non-elen, it denieth them that grace which would effetually and infallibly make them produce good anions ; but it depriveth them not of their own naturali freedom and liberty, neither doth it cornpell or confirain or neceflitate Divina vo- slqui. them unto their bad anions. e luntasnon imponit necefsitaternrebus volitis, vot.`ï)ei, quiaex voluntate ejass fequitur aliquideomo- art.s. do quo volunttis difponit, non eo mode quovo- twits haba eff. And, a Diving volunttis d in contingentibus non tollit potentiam ad op- pofituna voluntatis, fed athurrl. S. Auguftine fhewethus the reafon of this : e Dens iáá e7)e ctJlc. ordinat omnia, ut ipfa proprios motus ewer- 7.30. cere finat. From hence it appeareth how weak their judgement is who think Gods abfolutedecrees muff needs abfolutely de- flroy the freedorne of mens wills ; or, that where God is abfolutely determined toper- mit any men to fail in the atteining of the blefled end of eternali life, there he mutt needs be theauthour of the finnes whereby they incurre eternall death. In good anions the freedomé of men elened is not vain, though the end be deter- mined; becaufe God hash together with the E 4 end