Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

decree cleáred.: per efficient caufe,& the exfifling or coming offuch aóions in eventum a decreto Dei per 'guttente& ordinante, are in no errour at all g. $ see De- But if any fhall go about to fet mans will at fenreof the 7blly libertie,& to tieup fhort thedecreeing & de- ax9, yn.22$a terminingwill ofGod, as ifthis had not the determining firoke amongfl all poffible evil actions or events,which fhall infalliblybe,& which fhall infallibly not be , he mayavoid the fufpicionof Stoicifine or Manicheifme, but he will hardly avoid the fufpicionof A- theifme. For the greater number of 'mens a&ions being wickedand evil, if thefe come into a&without Gods determinate counfel and decree, humane affairs are more over- ruled by mans will then by Gods. The Stoicks mainteined free -will and free power inman to make himfelfvirtuous and happie : From whence thofe Axiomes of theirs, h Seipsa contentam e ff virtutem ad h cic. ITivs át av of A tact, z3&S. beaté vivenduan; - L` Pot, and the like:And thatofSeneca,4Beauvice caufa & ` EPig 3 I frmamentumeftfbi fdere. Turpeefl Deos fati- Bare: Quidvotis opus efl? fac tofelicem. k Bo- k Eri(t. a7. nano menteyn ftulturna eft optare, cú n pof is á to impetrare.Ratio re 7a6. confumuratafelicitatem hominiù implevit. Whether the fubfiance of thefe opinions belong to the Remonarants or to their oppofites, let any man judge. As for the Manichees, concerning a food God and a, evil God, no man more cry- cd 73