Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

$q, Supralapfarians charge not God ers) the eternall decfee or a&of Gods will Not to conferre upon force menhis effedu- all grace, Not to guide force men infal- libly unto glory, but To permit them through their own voluntarie default to live in fanne , and To determine their eternall torments in regard oftheir limes. All this put together dothnot make God thePrime, Principall and Invincible caul, nay, it doth not make him any caufe at all, in working the damnationof any one foul, no not of the foul of Judas hirnfelf. Not the Prime caufe : For by negative Reprobation no man is adjudged unto hell - torments, other- wife then for his own foregoing finnes. As for the imaginary antecedencie of oneas of the Divine volition or intuition unto another, becaufe it is imaginarie , and no fuch reali priority or poílerioritie of eter- nail aCts to be found in God, there is no building of firm conclufions upon fuch a tottering foundation. And yet for further illuliration of this point we adde, That as when a fovereigneKing confidering two of his fubjets enwrapped in the guilt of rebel- lion, determineth in his mind that the one (hall be freed the other hanged, it is not his determination , but the others rebellion , which is the prime and true caufe of his hanging; though the Princes abfolute will be the primecaufe why he was not freed as- well