Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

71 O fSatansf?ratáQetn.r. but ifWeglue ground andbetake ourfelues to flight,he wiIi purfue vs fwiftly anddeadly wound vs for wee haue no at-- mour on the backe to defend vs from the violence ofhis blowes, neither will theLordprotea fuch faint-hearted co- wards as runne away fromhis flandard, not daring to truf} and relie vpon his almightie power and. neuer failing affì Hance, which hee.hathpromifed to all thatfight his battels. Seeing therefore there is no fafetie in flight, and allured vi- ¿lory to thofe that faint not but endure the brunt oftheskir- mi fh vnto the end,let vs manfully lland vponourguard,nei- ther fleeing nor yeelding toour fpirituall enemies;for where can wee be more fafé, thanvnder the Lords flandard ? where can we bemore honourablie imployed, than in fightinghis battels ? howcan our flate bee more dangerous, thanwhen we flee and Satan purfueth vs ? how can it be more defpe rate, than when wee yeeldour felues captiue to Satan to be bound in the fetters offinne, vntill the fentence ofcondent nationbepronounced'onvs in the .general feffions at the day ofChrifls appearing ?. CHAP. XVII. OfSatans f ratagems.. .Sef.I. Nd fomuch concerningour fpirituall-armour, as alto our preparation to thefpiritual warfare.Now weare to fpeake ofthebattell it felfe : where ftrfl: we are to confider ofSatans flratagems, and the manner ofhisfight;and fecondly, ofthe fpeciall conflic`ls or temptations wherewith he affailethvs. Concerning Satans flratagems,wee areto know that theyare many anddange- rous;withwhich he w vil eally circumuent and ouerthrow vs, if doenotcarefullie preuent or cunninglie auoid them. Sata,t-veer- For firf}he dcalethnot with all alike, neither vfeth the fame kerb vpon cups weapons to fOile eueryone,but hee obferueth the qualitie feíTienr, and difpofitionofhis enem.ies,and accordinglyhe fitteth his_;. temptations, fó as they.may bee mol} forcible to preuaile a- gainfl them. And to this. endhedi-fiftieth towhat Pinnes we are