Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

,§.Se-i.z. gobv Satan frameth hts temptations in rerpeft ofour fporstuatOak, 2.Thsf'í:2:4. 80 OfSatani f ratagems. temne oerbrethrenwho want them5eeing inan in(lant they mayabound,and we maybe(tripped ofall wepoffeffe. So ifwebe in aducrftie, weeare to relie our fillieson the Lordsprouidence,whobath promifed toall that dependvp- on him all thingsneceffarie, fo farm foorth as they tend to the faluationof our foules : neither are wee tobeleeue Satan when hetelleth vs that afl3i6lions are fignes ofGods hatred, fccing there are innumerable examples ofGods deale chil- dren grieuoufyaffli6led,and plaine reflimoniesofScriptures whichproue the contrarie,as íhall appeare hereafter. In refpe& of our fpirituall elate Satan obferueth whe- thçr wee bemeere worldlings or profeffors. Ifworldlingsy then whether webe notoriouflywickcd,or ciuil honeft men; thofe that be notorioufly wickedhe plungeth headlong into a gulfe ofall wickedneffe and outragious rebellion againít God, hee tempteth them toAtheifine, and to contempt of Gods worfhipandfcruice, to fwearingg and blafpheming, to the prophaningofthe Sabbath, and (corningofall religion, to murthers, adulterie, drunkennes, theft, and all diuelliíh pradlifes, becaufe they are his flaues readie at his appoint- ment toexecute all thofe workesofdarknes wherein he will imploy them. For fuch men it is but loft labour to(hew them how theymay refill Satan, Peeing they take their whole de- light in feruing andobeyinghim; and therefore before they be taught how to refill him,theymull beperfwaded to a dc- fire ofcommingout ofhis thraldome, ofwhom they are ta- ken prifonersto doe his will,as it is 2.Tim.2.26. Ifthey beciuill bond men, he perfwadeth them thatit is fuf icientifthey deale iuftly and vprightly with their neigh- boursboth in their words andaólions; and for Gods fetuice confining in the duties ofpietie,which is commanded in the firft table, that it is enough ifthey hauea good meaning, though they bevtterly ignorant ofthe principles ofreligió, and that it is onely rewired ofPreachers and thofe that bee book-Iearned,tobe able torender an account of theirfaith ; as for themGodwil haue them excufed,fo they leadeanho- ne({ life amongft their neighbours, and be not tainted with graft and outragious finnes. But Or