Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

perience which ire haue hadof theLords af. /hante. Plalm.7,7. 136 flow theChrlianbeingfoiledmay be raifed. goodnefl'e, both inothers and in themfelues ; for howmanie haue been caf}downe as well as they,and yet haue in the end been raifed vp ? howmany haue forrowed and mourned that now reioyce and haue receiued comfort? how many haue taken notable foiles and grieuous falles in the fpirituall confliEr,andyet in the end haue obtained viororie?In aword, who hath depended vpon the Lord,and hath been reie6ted ? who hath been trulie humbled, undhath not been comfor- ted ? who hath fought againfc their fpirituall enemies,and; hath not by the Lordsaflillance ouercome?And is theLords armenow fhortned, or are his mercies come to anend ? hath he forgotten tobe gracious, or hath hee Phut vp his louing kindnes indifpleafiire ? Nay rather fay it is thine owne infir- mitie, for the Lord is the famehee was, without change or fhadow ofchange, and therefore as he hath comforted and flrengthenedand giuenviá}orie vnto others, fowill hecoin- fort and flrengthen and giuc vnto thee afamous vk oryover thy fpirituall enemies,ifthou wilt dependvponhimand wait his Ieafúre.. But if this will not comfort thee when thou heard of Godsmercie and affiflance in fupporting others, yet at leaf let thine owne expereinee confirme thee in the affirrance of Gods loue and fuccour : for, hall thounot indured manyaf- faults ofthy fpirituall enemies, and yet thou fandef in the incounter ? butI pray thee by whole flrength ? furelie not thine owne,for thou art weake and fceble,and thine enemies Prongand mightie, and therefore abe to defroy thee euery minute, ifthe Lord did not fupport thee by hisalmightie power.Hafl thou not alto receiued manyPoiles, and bewrai- ed notable corruptions, and yet thou art not quite ouer- throwne nor (wallowed vpby thy flumes?And whc hathDre- ferued thee ? furelie not thy felfe; for ifthou can( not fund. again( Satan while( thou art fighting, much leffe couldef thou rile vpagaine when thou art caf downe; but it is the fpirit oftheLord who hath rai fed theevp byvnfained repen- tance, andhath renewed thy f}rength,fo that againe thouart readie to withfland and refill Satan and his temptations,. Why therefore. Thouldef` thou feare.Je4. Satan will in the end