Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Thaiour vnroorthinesAuldnot make-tit-doubt ofGods Iosie.I49 towards vs. but the loue ofGod is not grounded vpon our 'gods touent worthines which is nothing, but vpon his owne goodwill our round and plea:'ure,s;'hick is infinit as himielfe is infinit; and there- fore though in our felueswe are moil miferable and wretch- ed,yet this is no reafonwhywe fhculd difiruti or in the leali degree doubt of Gods loue, feeing itarifeth not frotnanie thing invs,butfrom himfelfe who is vnchangeable. The truth hereofmanifetllie appeareth by theScriptures, where it is faid that the Lord bath louedvs not for our excel- lencie and worthineffe,but ofhis free grace and louing kind- neíl'e. So Hof. z4.5. 1mill heole their rebellion; Icrtlllosre them 140C14.1. .freely,ch'c. And the Apotlle John telleth vs that hereinGods loue appeareth, in that when we lowednot him,he fodeerely loued vs, thathe fenthis forme tobe areconciliation for our finnes; i.Ioh.4.1o. And Paul faith, that hereby godfettetb withis louetosards vs, feeing that whilefiwee were yet fÇnners, Chrit died for v.r,andwhen we were enemies God reconciled vs unto himfelfe b;' the death o fhisfoi ne : Rom.5.8. io. If there- fore the Lord louedvs whenwe were enemies vnto himand dead inour francs ; howmuch morewill he loue vs nowbe- ing reconciled in Chrifl, and in force meafure purged from our corruption, and quickned by his fpirit to newne% of life?Ifwhen we weremofi vnworthie,he freely (hewedfuch exceeding fauour towards vs : how much more hauing by his fpirit and thegraces thereofmadevs more worthie, will hecontinue his loue vntovs ? Jfhee hath hitherto lovedvs not for any deferts ofours, but ofhis free mercie, becaufe he is loue it felfe, as John calleth him, i.Ioh.4.8. and the God !John 4.8, ofgrace, as Peter maketh him, i.Pet.5.1o. why (houldwee !ncc51o doubt ofGods loue in refpea ofour vnworthineire, feting his louebath not hisgroundvpon our worthineffe,but vpon his ovine nature which is immutable, and therefore whom heonce loueth,he loueth themunto the end,though in them- felues they are miferable andwretched,Ioh.13.1. Iohn ! t r. Butas the Scriptures (hew that Godhath louedvs freelie 4SeóI.z. from all eterni tie ; fo alto doe they as plainelìe declare, that Godhathmanifeíled this loue in the worke ofour faluatyn freely,andwithout any refpe6ofour worthines: as may ap- L 3 peare