Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

>..< , THE CONTENTS. .116wwemugprepare our[clues, beforewe heure Gods word.3 7 3 O f theduties whichwemustperforme in hearing. 376 Ofthe duties lvhtch we muffperformeafter wee baue heardthe word. 379. CHAP. XXVII. Satan.[ temptationswhereby heperkadeth men to delay their re- pentance, an.]Zvered. 38 t Ofthree motives wherebywe may beperfwadedtohafien our re- pentance. 382 CHAP.XXVIII. Ofthe fourthmatisse takenfrom thedi cultie ofrepenting, cau- fedbydelayes. 3 89 That the time offfck,ws, andtheheureofdeathis maß vnfrt for repentance. 395 CHAP. XXIX. Of flue other motines to enforce theformerpoint. 398 CHAP. XXX. Two lets which cant worldlings to deferretheir repentancere- mowed. 407 Thefrfl takenfromanabut ofGods mercie. 407 Theothergroundedon theexample ofthe concerted theefe. 410 CHAP. XXXI. Satans temptations moiling men to refi in a counterfeit repen- tance,auf'xered. 413 Ofdiuers things required vnto truerepentance. 414 I . Knowledgeandfight offinne. 414 Ofthemeaner wherebywemayattain to a true fight of fin. 419 2.. That ourfinnesbe sr(efomeandgrieuous unto vs. 421 3. efAn earnefi defire tobefreeclfrom finne. 422' 4. That we come to Chrififor thispurpofe. 423 CHAP. XXXII. Satans temptationswhich he vfethagainfi thofwhich are called tobring them toderfiaire, anfwered. 426 Reafons toperfwade theweahe Chrifiianoftheforgimenes ofhis fins. Thefar f%whereofaregroundedon Gods ownenature. 429 Thefirfi argumentgroundedvpon gods infinit mercie. ibid. CHAP. XXX III. Ofthe fecond reafon toperfwade thewake Christianof thefor- giucnes