Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

!{' Ofthebreal-plateofrighteeufer, 3.1 Cods fight,ifthevbe not ioyned with integritie -andftnpli- citie. For example,prayer is a notablepart ofGods worfhip; but ifwedoenot call vponGod in truth,but with fainedand deceitful lips that we may haue thepralleoftnen,our praiers Mattb.e. are odious andPharifaicall,Matth.6.Thankfgiuing is an ex- cellent dutie, but ifwith the Pharifie we glue thanks rather toboafi ofourgifts, then to (hew true thankfulnes to thegi- Luk.iS. uer,we (hall not be approouedofGod. Giuingofalmes isa worke acceptable vntoGod,for it is a facrificewherewith he is well pleafed,Heb.13.i 6.but iftheybenot giuen in frtnpii- Hcb.: ;.ts; citie ofheart, but in hypocrifie,that we maybe feene ofmen, it(hall haue thehypocrites reward, Matth.6. In aword,this Mattb.6. truth and fimplicitieofheart is foneceffarie, that without it, whatfoeuer we doe itis not regarded ; for God is a/ irit, an Iob.4.24 he ?billbe trorfhipped ingiirit andin truth, lob4.24.. According to that,Tolh.24.14. Feare theLord,andferue him in vprí htnes Io:h 24.4. and in truth. Which if weeperforate, our feruice of God will be acceptable in his fight, though performed in great weaknes,and mingled with manie imperfe&ions: otherwife, though wee offer thoufands of rammes, and whole riuersof oyle,that is,otnitnooutward coil and labour inGods wor- Mich.b,7.8, fhip,yet wi! it be abominable inhis eyes,Mich.6.7.g. Let vs thereforewith our Saviour pray vntoGod,that we may bee lob. 17.17. fan&ifiedwithhis truth, that notonely whatfoeuer wee doe maybe grounded onGods truth, but that weemaydoeit in truth andvprightnes ofheart. CHAP. XI. Ofthebreaftplate ofrigh- teoufneffe. T%`_He fecond part ofour armour is the breafl-plate 4,See%j,: ofrighteoufnes ; whereby we are to vndetfiand ,f a oodconfcience,truefan&ificationanda od- :i` 1 ÿ ife,whichalfowe are to puton according to the exampleofour grand Captaine Chrift,Efa.59. i y. Heput ßn ri3hteoufne.r as an babergeonland E anhelmet of altation vpon E(a, 59,m;