Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

What is requiredtofattingverttiesandgoodwor(es. 57 let at libertie, he that imbraceth vertue that therebyhe may I'rctio grata be had inhonor,is read ie to abandon itandbecome vitious, Pincior parcia when it will (sandwithhis credit:he that is faithful) for hire, fides. will for hire become treacherous: but he that intertaincth Agamema. vertue inpictie and dutie towards God, will condantly per- x88. feuerein it, when all worldly refpe&sdifcouragehim, be- caufe the foundation is immoueable, and cannot beouer- thtowne.Andhereofit is that the lead grainesofvertue ioy- ned with godlines, arc iudly preferred before the greater meafure, and higher degree which is fettered from it; be- caufe it is bothconflant andvnchangeable,and alto is conti- nually irhgrowth, whereasthe other is fubiecct todecline and variifh,when the fuel! thcreoffaileth. To which purpofe,one faith, that although that venuebeneuerfa much praifed ,lbhich Aqua. deci- beingfesteredfrom truegodlinell?,-doth tendto theadvancement stir. Uei.lib.ç. ofinen unto theglorie of theurorld; yet it is not to be compared C51'.19. to thefmallell beginningsofvenue inthe Saints, allwhafe hope is firmelyfeated in thegraceandmercieofthe trueGod. Secondly,theymudarife from true charitie and vnfained Secef. . loue ofGod, and our neighbours for Gods fake: neither is 4rveri s there anygood fruit which fpringethnot from the roote ofmug arife from charitie,as AuguThimfpeaketh.And thisthe Apofile maketh troe rharitie. the ground-workeofall obedience, wherehe faith, that the Lib-de fpí; icu endoftheCommandementis lameout ofapureheart, andagoad r:Tmrf .. confcience,and the fame refpeé he faith,tha.t loge is thefulfillingofthe law, becaufe it is the fountaine ofRom.13.8. all dutie towardsGod andman; which who fohach fpring- ing in him : from him liThe and flow the fireamesofall obe- dience;but ifthe fountainefaile,then the dreamesare quick- ly driedvp: neither is there anyother venueor dutie accep- table toGod,orofany worth andexcellencie, vnlefl'eit be ioyned with this charitie, as theApofile doth fhew at large. With thisagreeth the fayingofBernard, Charitie (faith he) r.Cor.r,. is the root ofall vertuet, withoutwhich, whatfoeoeer we do it lothBernard. de notprofit vs, &c. Anda little after; there carnallconcupifcencemodo bené r i. raigneth,where thereis no place todiuinech,tritie, &c. And a- uendi, feria, gaine,fogreat is thevertfie ofcharitie,that where it is wanting, allother veritiesare had tovain.. Thirdly,.