Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

THE SECOND} PART OF THE -CHRISTIAN WARFARE; or the Contempt of the World: TENDING T O ARME AND CONFIRME THE WEAKE CHRISTIAN againfl thetentations ofprofperitie, and topreferue him from the immoderate loueofearthly things; by?rotting vnto him, that both the world andworldly vani ties are fo bafe andworthle/Jè,that theydeferuenot to 6eefleemedand loued ofa Chriftian,incomparifonofGoda fpirituali graces and hcauen.. ly ioyes. WRITTEN AS AN ANTIDOTE A- GAINST THE POYSON OF WORLDLIE loue, withwhich in thefe dales fo many are infe5ted; andthat itmight revive that heattenly fireof#iri- tualland diuineloue,whichis fomuch cooledand abated. By I. Do vvNA?l a Bachelar inDiuinitie,and ?reacherofGods?bord. Louenot the?borld,neither the things that areix the tberld. /fan, Manhue theworld ,the /oueofthefatherit net inhim. t .Ioh.2, i.p . 11T LONDON Imprintedby FELIXKxN G STON. 161I.

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE, SIR THOMA'S EGERTON KNIGHT, BARON OF Ellefinere, Lord high Chancellorof England,and one ofhis Maid-lies moil honorablepriuie Countll, I. D. wilheth all grace and profperitie in this life, and eternal! happineffein the life to come. Hen I confidered ( Right Honorable) the great pu- iflance , and preuailing fñrength , of the fe arch- enemies ofour faluation, the world, andworldly va- nities, manifeffed in their daily conquefts, not onely ofthofe,who voluntarily yeeldat the firf} onfet, and arewillingly content to become their vaffals and flaues, for the vn- certaine tenure, andbafe wages ofearthly vanities; but alto of-fuch as hauing giuen theirnames to Chrift,byreceiuinghis facra- ment, profefled themfelues tobehis fouldi- a 2 ers

TheEpiflleDedicatoriu. ers and feruants, and that among{t other e- nemies, theywould valiantly fighe hisbate tailes,againft the world,and worldly lu{}s: who notwithftanding their oath and pro- mile , either.yeeld fubie&ion to the world upon theoffer ofearthly profits, pleafures, and preferments, orRand in a cold neutra.. litie, defìringto doe feruice to the world and God too;but without all indifferencie, fetinghehath onely the feruiceoftheir lips, and fotneoutwarddeu.otions,meerely com- plemental], and ceremoniall; whereas the other maker bath the feruice oftheir hearts, and all their care, labours,andpainefull in- deauours irnploiedabout himi Andwhen as I faw the glorious trophees oftheworlds vi'oriesereded,'not onely in euerycorner ofthecommon - wealth buteuen in the tem- pie and 'church of God; tohis great difho- nour, and the difgracc of his truereligion; Ithought t could not fpend m5' ítrength ina bettercluarrell,then iri oppofingagainft this enemie of our faluation; to the end, that might abate his preuailing forces, and wea- ken thevery finewes ofhis ftrength, where- in, bee molt gloricth and triumpheth by chewing,

The EpilileDedicatorie. (hewing that the wages ofiniquitiewhereby he inticeth men to leaue Gods ftandard, and to fight vnder his colours, is but bate and counterfeite coine, being examinedby the touchflone of Gods truth, and therefore not to be receiued ofa Chriftian for good pay ; much lefíe to be preferred before that crowne of vi6torie, euerlafting glorie, and thofe all-fuficient treafures of our heauen- ly kingdome, which God promifeth to all thole who fight his battailes, and valiantly ouercome. Neither did I thinke that I could more profitably fpend my ftudies in anyo- ther argument, efpeciallie in thefe times, wherein the loueoftheworld fogreatlypre- uaileth,that withDemas mendaily fall from the profelion of Gods truth, and imbrace theworld,hauing onely fo much loue ofre- ligion, as the loue of the world worketh in them; andeither not feruingGod at all, or onlythat they may ferue their owne turnes, in worldly and carnali refpeCts. For if by plaine teftimonies of holy Scriptures, and byeffeduall reafons (as itwere aproclama. tion Pent from thegreat kingof heauenand earth) 1 could criedowne the high rates and a 3 prices

TheEpifile Dedicatorie,. prices of thefebate and coppercoynes, and bringthem to their owne value; by{hewing that thereis no excellencie & true worthin them,but onelyas they (crue forthe prefent neceflìtieof our earthlyRate, and to furnish vs in our trauaile towards our heauenly countries thenwould there manyandgreat benefits bee hereby deriuedvntovs. For if we could contemue the world andworldly vanities,as things oflnall worth,thenwould they not beas heauie clogs tohinder vs from runningthe Chrif ian race, andfromafcen- ding in our meditations, into Gods king- dome, to take poffeflìon for theprefent of our heauenly inheritance with ourmindes and thoughts,till our foules and bodiesdoe come thither: thenwouldwenot Puffer them to take vp all our cogitations, care, fludie, and labour,about the getting or preferuing them, fo as wee haue little or no time left to performeferuice vntoGod; or ifat all wee doe it,yet withmuchdiflraäion andpertur- bation : then would the tentationsofthedi- uell haue no power to draw vs into Clime, wanting this wages of iniquitie,and there al- luringbaites, wherewith hee inticeth vs to come

The Epilile Dedicatarie '. come into his nets of perdition : for who would ferue fatan for nought , or for fuch things as he contemneth, or but lightly va- iueth,leauing the feruiceof hisCreator and Redeemer, and therebyhazarding the eter- nall lof e of thofe heauenly excellencies which hehathpromifed vntohis feruants in the life to come ? Then fhould weehaue a truegolden age, free from all opprefsion, bribing,extortion,fraude,wrongs,diffenfi- ons, treafons, rebellions, and innumerable other outrages, which are caufedand occa- fioned through the immoderate loue of thefe earthly things; and perfect loue and charitie being entertained amongft men, they would ftriue who fhould exceedother inal good andChriftian duties,louingvet- tue andgoodnes for their owne fakes : then would not thofe who abound with thefe worldly things be euer theprouder, or with fcornefull infolence ouerlooke their bre- thren ; for who is proudof that which hee contemneth?Neither would thofe that want them be much troubled,hauing for the pre- lent Gods bettergifts, cuen his fanftifying and fauing graces,and for the time to come a 4 farre

TheEpilile Dedicatorie.j. farre more excellenthopes,life eternall,and the vnfpeakeable ioies of Gods glorious kingdome. For who bewaileth the want, or lamenteth the Joffe of thofe things which he lightly efteemeth,efpecially hating both in pofleffion andhope, fuch things asare of farregreater worthand excellencie? Final- ly, ifwee wereperfwaded to contemne the world andworldly vanities, and highly to effeeme ofthe ioyes ofHeauen, thenwould we not feare the approachofdeath, but bid it welcome with a cheerefull countenance? feeing it takethvs from the things whichwe doe not much regard, and entreth vs into the pofeflion and fruition of our better hopes; euena kingdomematchles,and glo- rie endleffe. Whereas contrariwife,when thefe worldly things bee ouerualued, and too much loued and defired, they wholly take vpmens meditations,anddifable them for Gods feruice, they lay them open to fa- tans tentations, and make them readie to perpetrate and commit any wickednef e, whichmay further them to the obtaining of the things which they affeft; neither is there anyf'op in the way tohinder their headlong court

TheEpiffle Dedicatoric). courfe in fin, vnleffe it be when their world- ly delires do crofreone another : they puffe men vp with pride when they inioy them, and confume themwith griefe and difcon- tentwlren they want them: and to conclude, they makedeath nioft terrible, becaufe it plucketh thé violently from thefe delights, vntowhich their hearts are fall: glued, and forceth them to leaue thethings which they dearclyloue, hauing no affurance or hope ofa better life. For theauoidingofall which euils, and for the furthering and aduancing of the former benefits, I haue laboured in this argument,euen abouemyftrength,God £hewinghispower in my weakenes,andcau- fingmy delire to fupplie that whichwas wan- ting in my health. Of whichmy labours I haue chofen your Lordship for patron,part- ly to thewmy loueanddutievnto you,from whom I haue had, bothal the meanes of my maintenance which I enioy, wherewith I hauebeen enabled to labour;andopportu- nitie to exercife that poore talent which I haue receiued from mygreat Lord andma- iler: andpartly becaufe I thought, I could not dedicatevntoyou a booke ola fitter ar- gument,

?heEpifile Dedicatoriv. gumenr,whereinyour felfe mayatyour beft leafure meditate ; feeing on the one fide the greatnes ofyour place, and height ofyour Honors andpreferments may(without your greater vigilance and circutnfpeEtion) in- cline your affections too much to the loue of thefe earthly things; and on the other fideyour age (unto which God adde many yeares for his owne glorie, the Churches good,andyour owne euerlatling comfort) isnot likely in courfe ofnature to allowvn- to you any long poffeßîon of thefe mo- tnentanie things. In regardof bothwhich, your Honour cannot bee toowell armeda- gainft the immoderate loueof thefeworld- lyvanities, nor haue your heart too much inflamed with that diuine loue of Heauen, and thole moft glorious.ioyesin Godspre- fence,whichyou thalt inherit for euermore becaufe hereby you [hall inioy Gods bief- fings more fecurely whileft youhaue them, when as yourheart is not fo fixed on them but thatyou can bee contenttokaue them; andpart with them alto with ioy andcom- fort,when as you areaffüred, that you that( exchange them for thole heaucnly ioyes, and

The EpifileDedicatoriv. and rich treafures of Gods glorious king- dome, which infinitely exceede all car&hly preferments inworthand excellency.Which ifmypoore labours, added to yourbetter helps, andholy meditations,might any way further,I thouldmuch more rejoice in being a poore inftrument ofyour fpirituall good, then in the inioyingofthofe earthlybenefits which [ bane receiued fromyou. TheLord more and more inrichyour nobleheart with all fpirituall and fauing grace, and after a long andhappie lifeon earth,vouchfafevn- toyou the euerlafting fruitionof his glori- ous pretence, and that fulnefl'e ofioywhich is at hisright hand for euermore. Amen. Tour Honours inallhumble dutte moat bounden, JohnDowname.

To theChrillianReader. He Chriflian mans life is a continual)warfare, wherein bee isdaily a/faulted (1 knownot whe- ther, withgreaterfubtiltie orfurie, policieor ' power) by threepuiffant enemies, thediuell,the the world,and theflefh; euery oneofwhichhauemany legi- onsvnder their condutl, which areready tofecondandfuc- cour them,when theygiuefgneofbattaile.The diucllit the grand captaine, andgeneraliof allthefe forces; the world andtheflefh,are chhiefe commanders vnderhim, whohaue many millions of#irituall enemies vnder their enfignes, that continualliefight again/'vs. Satanordereth the bat- taile,andguidethalltheft forcestohis heftadüantage, and our ruin; the world mini reth vnto him weapons and munition, whereby thisfight is maintained; andtheft?) likea wicked traitoropeneth thegates ofour pules whenwe are affaulted,and receiuing thepay ofworldly vanities,ioy- nethwith theft externallforces to workourfinalouerthrow. TheOmofthisfght is either their,orour vil7orie; thefr- mer is accompanied with thedittels triumph, andour per- petuall captiuitie andthraldome in thechaines ofdarknes ; yeawith the molt exquifiteand ineffable torments of hell fire : the other,withthe crowneofvit7orie which ourgreat o.Cor4.1 y. Commander, theLordofhofls,hathpromilid to tholethat ouercome euen that fuperexcellent andeternal'waight of gloriereferuedin the highefl heauens. Theconfideration whereof,aait/houldmoueall Chr!i- ,insvaliantly tofight the Lords battailes, to forget allla- boo,

To theChri(Han Reader. heur,andto cotttemnealldanger,efpecially feing they haw tbepswerofGodto aftfithem, andhis gracious promi ¡e, that if they willbee hi,fouldiers, they/hall alfobee conque- rours;iftbey willbutfiiht, theyfhall affuredly ouercome: fóafaJhould itincite all Gods fatthfull mtnifters, who are appointed by bim to bee in this fpirituall warfare,notonly fotddiers ,tofight in their atoneperfons, but alfo the Lords captaines to teach,guideanddirelt, both by wordandex- ample,thofewhoare committed to theirchar;e,yea as math as in them lnth the wholearmie of the Church militant; thatthey afo be careful/ anddiligent to teach the ignorant the Loyds march,the difcipline ofhiawarre,the orderofhis baitelf4/idhow tomanage theirfpirituallweaponsfar their deft aduantage : that they hkewtf incourage andharten thewhiteliuered,andfre/hiwater Jouldier tothefight; that they rouze vp thefluggifh, byoftenfounding in their cares the serriblethunderofGods threats, and thefweet tunesof hispromfcs;_thattheymoderate the heate, andmitigate and reftráine the defperate áoldneffe ofthole, whO are o- uercariedin their blind eale, with ]irituall wifdome and difcretion, which areotherwife apt in themfelues tobee in- trappedwith thefubtiltii,and tofall into theambujhmettis of'their enemies,totheirviler ruineanddeflrutlion. Being therefore called through Gods vndefrued grace to thisfunttion,lthought itmydusk, befides my other la- bours inmy mini Merle, toattempt this-worke; the which l acknowledge might haue been math better atchieued by fume ofthe Lords great Worthies, vnto the leaffdegreeof whofeflringthandexcellencie 1haue notattained : but be- ingby them either otnitted,or but by the way, as famefpeci- alloceal'on required, 'briefly touched ; I thought it better, notrvithflandingmygreat weaken ,to 'undertake it, then that itfhouldbewhollyneglelled ; andby doing in this the Lords

To theChriflian Reader. Lords bufine f e what Icoulddoe, toput others inmindwho are ofgreater abilitie,what theyfhould doe; drawing them onby myexample to perfefl that, which i haue but rud ly attempted;whereinmy poore laboursfhat butlimn asfades, tobrew thegreatergloryoftheirfurpafing excellencies, and but as courfer wares,to make theirfinerfluffesmorefaleable and commendable.Llndhawing through Gods offiance fmJhedandfetfourth thefirfl part ofthis ChriliianWar- fare,whereinI haue laid opens thefubtiltie,power, politicke flratagems,andpernicious tentatìens-ofSatan our grand enemie; and withall haue armedandfwrnifhed theweake ChriFlianwithfuchmeansandfpiritualweapons, as mayby theblrngandafiflance ofGodsholy/pirit flrengthenhim in theincounter,repell theenemie,andobtainvictorie;and hawingfound that the Work,likecourfemeate in the timeof agreat dearth,bath been efïeemed of many hungrie foules aboue defeert,theirnecef'ttie,andnat anyfelfe-excellencie,gi- uing worthveto it, andmaking it, though in itfelfe but homelyfare,pleafingandacceptable totheir f hharpenedappe- tites : Ihaue the ratherbin incouraged tofit upon the fe- condpart ofthis Warfare, & to arme theChri flianagainfl allthofeafflults,whichthe fecundenesnieof our faluation, the world,affailethhimwith ; which as thefollowing dif- eourfe,and the experienceofaltimesfufciently fherv,are no let/dangerous and pernicious then the ether. L_ nd be- caufIholda firangeparadoxin theconceit ofworldly men, maintaining that theft earthly things are bale andoflittle worth, and therefore to bee contemned or lightly valued, which they fo much magnifiein theiriudgements, adhere vnte in theirhearts andaffections, andbothget andkeepe with fOgreat care and labour, and late with fah bitter grie>e; I thoughtitfit (brfdesmy wonted order) not only plentifully toco,frme this truth by the holyScriptures, but of

To the Chriftian Reader. dfitoalleage the fayingsofthegodly learned, andancient Fathers,who haue listed in former ages, to Phew the confor- mitie of our iudgements,andour vnanimotts corfentin ex- pounding chafeplaces ofholyfcriptures, which Jerriefor the clearing andproouing of tholepoints,for which 1a/teage them ; lefl perhaps mine owne writings and affértions mightfeeme to haue proceeded out of orre melancholicke or difcontentedhumor,whích might make me to contemne the world,becau%it bathalwaies contemnedme, and fo carrie no credit withthem, ifI were not backed with,their better autboritie. wind to thefame purpofe, 1 haue alfo more plentifully then is myvfuall cuflome, alleagedthefayings of thewifefl Heathens,andmo.Fl learnedPhilofophers; beaufe hawing to dealewith carnal! worldling!, who notw-ithilan- dingmakefhcwandprofeßionofChriflian religion,lmight mooueandperfivadethem, ifnot in the feareofGod, and for confciencefake, yetat leafiforfhame toagent unto that truth, vetowhich Pagans and Infidels haue yeelded and fùb/cribed,whohaue hadnoother knowledge togu :de them, but the light ofnature. The which my labours, I humbly fubrnit to thegraue cenfure ofthe judicious, learned, and godlyReader: the which I hope to findmore favourable; becaufe my erreurs may more iuflly be excufed, Peeing I doe not trauell in a path beatenby others, who hauegone before me,but in anvncouthandvimfusil way, where 1 haue not had the trail ofother mens fleps for my direi ?ion; there being none that 1knowof,,efecially ofourcountrimen, that hauepurpofely labouredin this argument. The Lordbleffe thefe andall other my lab jars, that they may beeporverfUll andeffelluall, for the aduancement o/hisglorie,thegood of hnChurchi,andthe comfort and edificationofall theparti- cular members thereof, who fhali haue any vfe ofmyPoore minierie;;

To the Chriáian Reader. miniferie5 that being armedandflrengthenedhereby, a- gainfl the po'iticketarie, and powerful/ cunning ofour fpirituall enemies, they may obtaine a fill and finalivi- Etorie osier them, and alto the cromne of vielorie, euerlafling glorie, and happineffé in Gods Kingdom. c,imen. FromLothburieinLondon,the*nth Of(.May, Anno Dom.16iI. ?hineintheLord, I. D.

7. JÇ o.'' á .?7 M '!' ;. j i`S THE CONTENTS OF THE FIRSTBOOKE. The chi f points contained in thefrft Booke. -CHAP. I. Ofthe world , the fecond enemyof our faluation, and what it is. § i.T+Hat the world isfometimes taken ingoodpart , andfo to be lottedatafriend. 2. § 2. Inwhat fenfe theworld re to bereputed ourenemy. q . § 3. How wickedworldlingsare to behated. S. C HA P. 2. Ofthe natureand qualitie ofour enemy the world. § I. That the worldis euill andwickedin it [elfe , yieldìiegobedi- ence toSathan as the Princethereof 6. § 2. That the warldffhtethvnderSathanagaíngGod. 7. § 3. That the worldis amo/t dzngerott enemie. 9. g 4. That the worldis amalicious encmie. I O. § 5. That the world isaftbtillenemie. 11. § 6. That the world is a powerfull enemy in regard ofit owne f renZth. i i. § 7. That muchftrcngthc/ added to the worldsforces through ourcorruption. 13. § 8. Thepower ofthe world /hewedby the experience offormer times. § 9. Thepower of the worldf6ewed by the experiertre ofthfe times. § i o. That the worldoftenpreuaileth withGodsfermants. 17. 6 CsiAP,

The Contents. CHAP. 3. Reafons tomouevs to relaand fight again(# our ene- mie the world. §T. Codcommanle vs to oppofeagainfi theworld. 18. § 2. Thefec nedrearm antallnfrom thepaion ofChro.19. § 3. The th;rdreafonta, nfromthe necrj iyfthisfight,feeins the f tondo oft':eworldareenemies to God. 19. § 4. VeilejJe ive renouncethe world, wearenot of thenumberof thefaithful!. 21. §5. Chri/ltan religion retluireth that we fbould renounce the world. 22. § 6. The way oftheworldis the tray ofjinn. 22 § y. We mslfight againfl theworld f'wewill be Chrills drfci- lr $8 We becomee,r.pcflatetifwe fight notagainfl theworld. 23. $ 9. Thefourth reafontakenfrom ourof.oredhope ofvif orie.24. § so. The lag reafontezkn fromourreward whichaccompanieth villorte. 25. § it. Howwearefaid to fight againfl the world, and toobtain voilerie. 25, CHAP. IIII. Oldiemanner ofThe worlds fight , and how he affaul- tethvs, on the oneside with profperitie, and on the other fide with aduerfitie. §T.Withwhatweapons the worldofaultethvr. 26. §2.rhemanner howthe worldfightethwith vs. 26. § 3. Thatprofperitie isgood in it owne nature. 28. § q.. That profßeritie in refpeEl of our tfe isofan indi f rent na- ture. 29. 5 f. That weareapt to abufeourpro/ eritietofinne. 30. CHAP. V. Ofthe dangeroufne[i'eoFworldlyprofperitie. S t . That the worlds rogations on the right handare very clan- gerottd. 3 i. 52.That theflareofproM.:ritieis much moredangerotu,then the flareofaduerfrtie. ? ' $ ;.Thai

The Contents. § 3. That weare m fi carefully to taleheedofthe world when it fawneth on vs. 34. § 4. Thefruitsofaffliblionmuchbetter then ofproßieritie. 35. s, Thegreat danger ofprofßeritiefhewed byexamples offormer ages. 37. § 6. Thereat difference betweenethefamemen in proffreritieand artierftie. 38. g 7. That proffieritie bath corrupted anddefiroyedwholenations. 39 § B. Thedanger ofprofberitie, tee»e.d by theexperienceofthefepre- fent times. 40. g9. The reafons whypro/fieritie isfo dangerous. 4s § r o. That agreat meaftore ofgrace is required to the wellmana- gingofour profèerttic. 42. § t t .Thatwe ought to keepea narrowwatchotter ourfelues in the time o f proffieritie. 42. § I2.Howwearefaidtoreftfl the tentationsofpro/fieritie.. 43. CHAP. VI. Reafons whichmay mouevs to contemne worldly profperitie. § t.?roff eritiefeldomebetterethourfbiritualleffate. 44. § 2 . Theci eane rflate is to bepreferredbeforegreat profieritic.45 § 3. Thatprolfieritieis but one of Godsordinariegfts, whichhe beficwethalôupon thewic(Zed. 46. §4. Worldlypro[peritic andheaueny happineffe are feldome be- flowed onthe famemen. 47. g 5. Prol eritie abused increafeth their condemnationwho abufe it. Sp. CHAP. WT. Ofmorall ci ill vertues which are in worldlings, and that they are ro be contemned being fettered fiom fanh ifyrng grace. §i. Thattail!vertues donot benefice, but hurt thofe that refs in them. 5r. § 2. What isrequired toavertete , or al7ion , that it mae be truly good. Firfi, that theperfonbe regenerate andingraff `dtn- to Chri9. 53. b 2 § 3.0str

The Contents. § 3. Our vertues mull arife from the true worlhip of the true God. §4. Ourvertuesmullbegroundedupon truegodline ffê. 56 §5.Our vertuesmuffarifefrom true charitie. 57 § 6. Our vertues mulbegroundedon trueknowledge. 58. § 7. Ourvertues mull be ioynedwith truefaith. 58_ § 8. Allourvertues mug be embracedandgood workos done in obedience toGod. § 9. With allothervertues wem/l'ioyne humilitie. 59 § Io. /Hour venuesandworloes mull haue Gods glory propoun- dedto them as their chiefe end. 6o. § I I . That worldling! in their cited! vertue, andworker obferue none o f theformer conditions. 61. § t . That we are to contemne ciuillvertues, and tohungerafter Chrot righteoufneffe. 63. CHAP. VIII. Offpirituall wifedome, §. I.Offfiirituai wifedome which is commended onto vs in the Scriptures. 64 §. s. Wherein/fsiritua(lwifedome confifleth. 66. 5.3.Spirituallwifedomete alwayes ioynedwith prcilife andobe- diene. 66 5.4. Spiritual!wifedome is to be learnedonly outofGodr word.67 §. 5. The trueproperties of/f irituall wifedome. 68 §. 6. Thatf fiirituallwfedome is to behighly efleemed. 69 CHAP. IX. Ofciuill andworldly wifedome,and how farreforth to be embraced,& in what re(pe6Is to be contemned. §. I.Ofciuillwifedomeandthe cautions thereunto required that it maybegoodandlawful!. 7o 5.2.Ofworldymifedome which is wickedandvnlawfull.FÜfl,be- caufeitisioynedwithpride. 72 §. 3. Worldly policyis wickedwhen it itfettered fromfimplicitte andJnceritse, 73 §. 4. Worldly

The Contents: g. 4. Worldymifedome is to be contemned, firft, becaufe Godofee meth it not. 74 g, 5.7-hat the dinellisthe aut hourofworldlywifedome. 75 g. 6. Worldy wifedome refembleth Satan in malicious oppofinga- gainfl God. 75 §. 7.7hat thewifedomeoftheworldis fooliflineff'e withGod.. 76 §. 8. Worldlywifedome ioynedwith lyingandvntruth. 78 g, 9. Worldlywifcdomegronndedvpon djmulation anddeceipt. 78. g. to. Worldlywifedortcisgrounded vpon treachery and treafon. 79. §. xi. Worldlywifedomepropoundeth wickedends, 8o §. 12. That worldly wifedome hath bene alwayes embraced and much efleemedin theworld. 80 §. r 3. That worldly wifcdome vnderflandeth not the fpirituall thingsof god. 82 §. 14. The reafon why worldly wfedome vnderflandeth not the thingsofGód. 83 g .15. Worldly. wifedome doth not certainlyaffure menofthe vain thingsofthis life. 85 §. 16. god turnethworldly wifedomeintofoolifbnef fe. 86 S. 17. Worldlywfedome hindereth the fruition of f irituallbene- ftes. 87 S. i 8. Worldlywifedomedoth notpriuiledge menfrom Godsfeare- full itsdgements. 88 5. 19. That worldly wifedome bringeth with it muchhurt. 88 5. 20. Othercullsinto which worldly wifedomeplungethmen. 89 5.21. That we areto contemne worldly wi fedome , and to labour after that-which is diuineand fßirituall. 90 CHAP. X. That worldly learning feucred from true godlineffe is tobe contemned. g. r . That learning in it owne nature is good and very commen- dable. 91 S. 2.That worldly learningbecommethsuit! vnto vswhenit is a- bufed. 92 b 3 , S.3.That

The Contents. S. 3. That worldly learning is to be contemned, becaxreitdoth not profitevs. 94 S. 4. Thatworldly learning is vaine,andofno excellency. 96 S. 5. worldlylearning helpethvs not to the attaining ofGodsfpi- rituallgraces. 97 4.6.Worlelly learning helpeth not to the attainingo flifeeternal.99 S. 7.That worldlylearning march hurter) thole nhtch fet their heartsvpon it. 99 S. 8.That worldly learning is to be contemned in comparifan of the true knowledgeofGGod. too CHAP. XI. That worldly fciences are ofnoworth in comparifon of fpirituailknowledgeand fauing grace. S. I . Artsandfciences in thennfeluesgood,and thegifs ofGod.I M r S.2. Howwordly fciencesareahufed. 102 4.3. That worldyfciencts are to becontemned. 102 CHAP. XIr. That vnfruitfull knowledgeof God , and his true fell. gion,is vaine and vnproftable. S. I.KnowledgeofGodardhistruth init filfe anexcellentgift of God, butyet loable totheabrs¡eofworizJcngs. to; 4. 2. That ourknowledge ismaimed andimperfec?. tog. S. 3. Thatvnfuitfsellknowledgeisvaine ,andtonoperpofe. to6 §. 4. That vnfraitflkyowt ekeis vnprofitable. 107 S. 5. That vnfruitfullknowledgedathmuchhurtvs, and6rf1 in ¡Pet! ofour bodies. i o8 S. 6. Vnfruit fodiknewledgemuchhurteth yr inre /pell ofourfoules; firi,asit pufeth vsvp withpride. 109 4.7.Vnfruirfiallknowledge asgraseateth our otherfnnes. 110 S. 8. VnfruitfJl knowledge increafeth our reckoning at thedayof judgement. 1 I 1 CHAP. XIII. That beautie is to be contemned in refpeaoffpirituall graces, or heauenly excellencies. S.1. That

TheContents; S. I .That beautieregood, ae being thegiftofGod. 113 S. 2. Whatis required tomakebeau/itgoodvetovs. 114 §. 3. Beatific ofthebody without the beaxtie ofthemind , is ofno worth. 115 s. 4. Team iebecommethexit/ when we are proud ofit , or fet our heartsvpon it. 116 5.5, Bea.atie isbut agift commonwith thebrxtifi, creatures. 118 §. 6. The vanitieofbeautyproued by te¡ltmonies. 119 S. 7. The werthle,/neireofbemuse prouedby reafon,: firflbecaufe Godefleemeth it not. 120 .3. 'Beauticiegoodrather to theft that,eit, then tothofethat haue it. /21 §. 9. ßta,stic ismomentazie andmutable. 122 S. ¡o. Thatcontemning this outward beautie, we mull affe(1the inwardbeatific ofthe mind. 123 S rr:-Beautie too much afelled, clothmake thebody tender,foft, andfickly. 124 5.12. Beautie hinderethverrue, andfurthereth vice. i 24 5.13. Beautie andchaflitiefeldomemeete together. i z5 S. 14. Beatitiema/Zeth proud, and caufeth thofethat haueit , to neglcíl all holyduties. 127 §. I S. Beautiedecesueth,andallurethwoofirme. 128 5.16. Beautieoftentimeshurtful/ to the friendsofthofewho excel! m it. 129 5.17. Thatwefhould/axe our loue ondiuine beaaitie. 130 5.18. That the beaxtie ofthefoule ismuch moreexcellent then the beautieofthebody. i31 CHAP. %iIII. Ofthe vanitie and wickednefe ofpainting the face. 5. 1. That thediueilwoe the inuenter ofthieart ofpainting. 131 S. z. PaintingboththeefFerl andcaufe offnn. 133 5.3. That thefepainte:-s decriueandabufe other,. 134 5.4. That theymofl ofalloffendaping themfelues, in beingalha- medoftheirowneperfora. 134 S. 5.71/at theydeflroy their naturali beaxtie, and dijgrace their names. 135 S. 6. They thatvfe it )dander theirprofeffonofreligion. 135 b4 5.7.

The Contents. 4. 7.Their obiellionanfweredwho fay they vfepainting topleafe their husbands. 137 CHAP. xv. That bodilyfrrength is not touch to be efleemed, as being of(mall worthand excellency. §,I. That bodily firengthbeing init felt good, is often aufed throughour corruption. I38 §. 2. That it isagreat vanitie to glory in flrength , feeing Gode- fleemeth it not, andbeaflsexcellinU. 1 S. 3. That bodily flrengthit momentanyand but o f ¡bort continu. ance. 140 S. 4, 'odiyfirength cannot deliuer vsfrom emitsandinnumerable dangers. 142 CHAP. XVI. That bodilyhealth is butoffmall worth and excellency. Ç. r.Health in itfelfe is agreat bleng , butmuchabufed through our corruption. 143 S. 2. That health is butacommon gift , whichis impartedalfe to thewicked. 143 5. 3.That bodilyhealth is momentanyandvncertaine. 144 §. 4. That bodily health is imperfell andfull ofinfirmities. 145 S. 5Themanifold euilr which vfisally accompany bodily health. 546. CHAP. XVII. That focietie and neare fatmliaritiewith wickedworld. lings is to be fbunned and auoided. S. s.That theworldállureth vs by wickedcompany, toaccompany them infsnne. /48 5.2. Thatalfocietie withwickedmen is not vnlawfall. 548 5.3. Inwhat cafesit is lawfull to come in company with wicked men. 149 5.4.That it islawfullto company withwickedmen, that we may concert them.unto God, 550 §.S.In

The Contents. §. S.In what cafes thecompany ofwicked worldlmgs is to be asrei- ded. 151 §.6.That thecompany ofthewicked isforbidden andcondemned. I52. g.7.That Gods faintsbane carefully fhsennedthecompany of tfm. wicked. 153 §. 8. That wicked company itanotable inducement to draw vsin- tofanne. 154 §. 9. That in theformer reffetl weare carefully to Jhunne wicked company. 155 5.r o. That it is hard tokeepecompany with thewicked, andnot to be accefart' to theirfinnet. 157 §. i i.That keepingwiekd company brandeth our nameswith in- famie. 157 §. I z. Wickedcompanymaketh vs liable toGods itedgements. 1 58 §.13, Thataffinitiewith thewickedismofl dangerous. 159 CHAP. XVIII. That the companyofthe wicked is verie dangerous,by reafonofeuill examples and corrupt communication. §.1. Wickedexamples allureandperfwadevsvetopine. 16o §. 2. Euillexamples offtsperiours are mollpernicious. 162 §, 3,Euíllexamplesnourifbpride,andhinder repentance. 162 §.,4, Euillexamples of thewickedvexe and griene Godsferuants 163. §. 5. Ifwe donot follow theestill examples ofthe wicked, wepro- cure their hatred. 164 5.6. That theeuillfpeeches of wickedmen do much corrupt vs. 165. .That wicked men with their allurements and perfwafions draw our heartsfromGod. 165 §.8. Thattheft wickedallurements are very dangerous. 166 CHAP. XIX. That the friend(hip ofwicked worldlings is to becon- temnedand carefullyauoided. That

The Contents. g. t.That truefriendhip lemuch to be efteemed. 167 S. 2.1nwhat retellsfoend4bip with the wicked it to beartoided. t68. 5.3.That wecannot holdfrierdflsip withworldlings,andpeaeeavith Gad, a69 5.4. Thatfriendt ipwithworldling: it f elfeandcounterfeit. 169 3 j.That worldly friendc forfakevsinthe time of triadwhenwe need ntol their hclpe. 171 §. 6.Warldly friends intime ofadnerjitie oftentimes become ene, mie:. 172 5.7. Worldly friendlappernicious toour/miles. 172 5.8. Their ebaelbon a; f veredwho tray theyKane hadno hurt by thefriendjhip ofthewtcl¿ed; t 73 The fecondBooke. 7 he ehiefepoints containedin thefecondBorke. CHAP. 7. Ofthofe tentations generallywhich aregrounded vpon worldly things. 5.1. That theft. worldly things are Satan; chiefs baites to draw our heartsfromGod. 176 § z. That theft. worldlythings, honors , riches,andpieafures , are in their own: naturegood, and the giftsofGod. 177 g. s. That theft worldly thingsaremutably good , andtherefore f tb tshl to abuseandcorruption. 178 . 1. Thntmeought not to retell theft worldly things,but their a- bef ar. 179 s. j. To the right of ofworldly things it required , firfl, that our perlons be regenerate. 1843 5. 6. Thatwemull not suer value theftearthy things,orpreferrs thembefore Godsfiríssrallgraces. 18 i s. 7.7'hatwe arenot to fee our hearts and affel.7ions vpen theft. worldly things. 182. Thar tee muffftrfifeekeffiritaallandbeauenly things , and 'bile

The Contents. there earthly things inthe !aftplace. 28s 6.9. Thatwe mull not feeke thefe earthly thingfor their ovine fak°. 286 5. i o. That we muff vfe thole meanesonly whichare la:rfullfor thecampalingofthefe earthy things. 187 S. ix. Of the lawfull vie of thefe earthly thingsinregardofour poffefng anddifbólïng than. 187 CHAP. II. Ofhonors,and what cautions andconditions ate requi- redunto them, that theymay be veto vs goodand lawful;. 5. r. Ofthe diners kindsofhonours. 188 S. a. That honour initfelfe isgoodand lawful'. 189 5.3 .That honour:(ernefordiner:goodvies. 191 4.4.The lanfulneffe ofhonoursproud from the example: of thole whohambene trulyhonorable. 192 §. S. That wemußfirftandprincipaly feekehonorfrom god. 192 S. 6.That in the nextplace, wemuftfeeke to be honored ofthegood and vertuous. 19; 7. Whether it be lawfulltodefire praife ofwickedmen. 194 S. 8. That honour is only to be dIred for verrue: andgood anion:. 295 5.9.7hat we ought to offell filch honours at iremoderate , and proportionable to our deferts. 197 S. i o.That honours ought:sotto be immoderatelydefired. 1, 8 S. I I. Thatgoodmeanes only mutt beviedfor the obtain-its of honours. 299 5.12. That wemuff not propoundour owne honour :as our chtefe andmain end. 2 00 5.13. Wmug not let honour rillwith vs , but return: it wholly vntoGoä 202 5. 14. Wemutt employour honoursvntegoodv/es. 203 S 2 5. Tkat lawfullhonoursare tobe defiredfor Godsglory. 2.o3 S. I6 . Thatwe are todefïre lawful!honors for ourneighbors good, andfirfl, becanfethereby he dodo hisdutie. 2o4 5. 17. Wemufî defire lawfall honour that our neighbourmay be thereby

The Contents. therebyedified. 205 s. 18. That wemußpreferueourhonour and geedname to ,woide fcandall. 205 5.19.Thatwe ought to defire honourfor ourowne fake. , that it mayreuiueand refrefli vs. 206 §. 20. That wareboundbyGodscorunvandentent toprc }trueour honour andgoodname. 207 CHAP. III. Ofrichcs,and that theyare good in themfelues,and in. different in refpe6oftheir vfe. §. 1. That richesaregoodin their owns nature. 209 2,That riches are mutably good andofno great excellency. 209."' §. 3. That richesare ofan indiferent nature in reifea of their vfe. 210 §. 4. Riches are trulygood to the regenerate,who haue arightvfe ofthem, 21 o §. S. Richesare the inftreementsandmeanesofwelldoing, 211 §. 6. The rea. on ofthefollowing difcourfc. 213 §. 7. That riches are nottobe reiehled, becaufe they are the61ef- lings ofGod. 214 §. 8. Why riches are calledthemammon ofiniquitie. 214 g 9. Inwhatfeues theApofllesarefaidto haueforfaken all. 216 §.10.ThePaying ofChrifl totheyangman expounded. 217 CHAP, IIII. Ofthemanifold cautions andconditions which arere- quired to the right and lawfullvfe ofriches. That wemuffnot oiler value riches in our iudgementsabone theirworth. 218 §. 2. Richesmuff not be immoderately afehledanddefred. 220 §. 3. Ofthe quantifieof riches which is to be defired: that is, fo . much as isneceffurie. 2 22 §. 4. That itislawfulltodefrefufficieutplentie, 224 5.5. whether it belaufdl todefire abundanceofriches. 225 g,6.That

The Contents. §. 6. That it Ic Ion/awful/foryr todefirefuperfuirie. 227 §7. Defìre offuperfiiiititie is afgne ofdiffidence aiddirulf in God. 228 5.g. wemay notpray for abundance, and therefore not &fire ir. 228. §.9.Ofthe right vfe ofriches inregard of their pofejon: that wemuff return theprafeofthem veto God. 229 §. 10. That wefancTli fie them to our vfe , by theword , andprayer: and thatwe do not fer our heartsvpin them. 230 §. II . That wemuff be contentedWith our elfate, andbe willing to frane our riches when Godraleeth themaway. 23 . §. i 2. That wemuff carefully take heedleft ourriches become Sa- tambaitesandfnares. 233 §.13. Ofthe lawfull vii ofriches in reified of their difpofin, and bellowing. 234 §. r4. Riches are well bellowed when with themwe relieue the poore. CHAP. V. Ofpleafures, lawful!, ciuill, andcarnali; which are to . be defired; andwhen to be contemned 3c fhunned. §.1.0f diuinepleafures. 237 S. 2.Diuinepleafures are much to bedef :red. 237 §.`3.0fnatatrallandciuillpleafures, and that they are in their own naturegood , butin rerfeaof vs, ofanindifferent nature, andas they arevfed. 238 §. 4. Honeffpleafureswarranted by the Scriptures. 239 §. 5. Naturallandciouílpleafures feriaeto good ends andpurpofes. 240. §. 6. Tharveto vs pleafuresare of an indifferent nature , holding their goodnefeonely when theyare wellvred, vntowhich le requiredthat ourperfonsbe tuffifed. 241 5.7. Wemull notouer-value them, nor immoderately ifeU them. 242' 4.8. Our pleafures themfeluer muff be moderate, and referred to their lawfullends,fir/! to Godsglory. 242 g.9. Ourpleafures mull be referred to the good bothofourfoules andbodies. 24 3 §.io.We

The Contents. S. 20.Wemuff carefully take heedthat ayatandonot intanglevtin thefepleafures. 244 CHAP. VI. Thatwe are exceeding prone to abufe thefe earthly, Wettings, whereby they become thediueis hares to intangle vs in fnnne. §. I. That through our corruptionwe abufe Gods earthly bief_ frogs, 245 5.2, That theft earthly thingsthroughour abufebecome the mat- ter fmanygrteuosts tentations. 246 § 3. That Satan vfaallymaketh thefe earthly things to [erne no baites to allurevrunto/inne. 247 5.4. Honorsplunge meninto many dangerous tentations. 248 §. 5. That richerare the occafions of many dangerous tentations. 2q.9. §.6.That tentationsgroundedupon pleafures are very dangerous. 250. 5.7. he what rdenstheft earthy thingsare tobe defired , and in whatreffeQer tobe contemned. 251 $. 8.Theftearthly things arechieflyabufedwhen we makeidélsof them. 252 5.9. That itbecomethChrifliansto contemne thefe earthly vani- ties, and toaffell thefeheaueny excellencies. 254 CHAP. VII. Qfthefigneswherebywe may knowwhether we be infe6ted with the loueof the world. §. I . Thefarfl gue isto rh.'nke onthefe earthly vanities withgrea- tefl pleafare andvrwearied delight. 257 5.2. Thefecondfagneis to seakZeofthemwithgreateff delight and comfrt, 259 §. 3. In what ferne our much thinking and leaking ofworldly . things A ef?nes of theloue oftheworld. 260 5.4. Thethirdfgneocwhen wemoll defre thefe earthly things, takemuffcareandpainsin compajfing them. 2 61 S. 5.ThefourthAgile iswhen we takemofl icy inkseping,andmoll grefe

The Contents. griefein lofing them. i64 S. 6.Inwhatfenfe ourioy andt riefeabout theft ear thingsare fgnes ofour lone oftheworld. 266 CHAP. VIII. That thebea things in the world are but meere vanities, incomparilon ofGods fptrituall graces, and heauenlyexcellencies. S. r .That the beeg are too much taintedwith the loue ofthe world. 267. S. 2, Remedies to curethe direafe ofworldlyloue. 268 S. 3. That thebefl things theworldcan boafl of are but mepreva. nudes. S..}.Thevanitie ofworldlj thingsprouedby te1limonier. 27 f S. The vanitieofworldly things praisedby Salomon: teflimoty. 272. S. 6. Tbattheft worldly things are of no great excellency feting theyarebut gods commongifts. 275 S. 7.That God bellows honoursau wellvpon the wicked as vpon thegodly. 275 s. S. Reprobatesaboundwith richesas much as Godsfertsants.276 S. g.Thewicked worldlingbathagreater flareof worldly plea- foires, then GodsBeare children. 277 S. r o. Thatthecommonn:ffeoftheft earthlygifts , Jiieweth their vtlitieandbafenef fe. 278 CHAP. IX. That there worldly things haue their goodneffe onclyfrom opinion,and from competition,and from difficulty inobtaining,& from their rarenes in enioyi rg. S. I.That worldlythings bane their chiefe excellencyfrom opinion. 280. 5. z. Opinionmaksrh honoursfomuchaf ílsd. 28( S. 3. That opiniongiteethriches their chiefeexcilency. 282 5.4 That there is noexcellency in worldlyplea/carer, bat »hat o pinion imprtsunto them. 283 5.5 .That

TheContents. §. 5. That worldly things are more commended untovs by eager competition thenbyanyfelfeexcellency. 284 5. 6. Honours haueagreatpartoftheir efleemefromcompetition andfoalfo riches andpleafures. X86 §. 7. Worldly thingsare commendedvnto vs by the difficulties we finds in obtaining them. 288 §. 8. Difcultie in obtaining them mah`eth honours and riches fo much tobe efleemed. 289 §. 9. Pleafures are valued according to the pains which is take.n incompang them. §. t o. Worldly things areefleemed morefortheir rareneire then . for theirgoodneffe. 292 CHAP. X. Of thevanitieofworldlyglorie, popularitie,prioritie, and the fauourofPrinces. §. t .That vainnglorie is not true honour,butfalfe and counterfeit; S. z. That worldyglorie is vaine andvnpro fituble. 295 §. 3. That contempt ofvainglorie is enioynedvs in theScriptures. 297. §. 4; That it isgreatfolly toaffee7 vaine glorie. 298 5.5. That trueglorie con iiethnot invulgar praifes, but in the approbation of God, and the teflrmonies of our none con- fciences. . 300 §.6. That it isnowvnreafonable tofeekefor glorie. lot 5.7 .That it is. greatfolly to ti il popularisa:, and impoffible to pleafe the multitude. Soi §. 8. That it os impofbletoplefe the multitude and pleafe God. 303. S. 9. Thatpopularitie is thevaine ofmuchwicker uef fe. 304 5. r o. Thevanitie ofprioritieofplace andprecedencie. 3o5 5. 11, Of the vanitie ofPrincesfavours. 307 S. 12. Ofthe inconf?ancie andmutabilitie ofthefauour ofPrinces 308. 5.13. Thatthefauours ofPrincesare vnprofit;able. 309 CHAP.

TheContents. CHAP. XI. Ofthevanitie ofworldlypower and authoritie. §.I. Inwhat re/pea worldly authoritie iegood,and inwhat mill andfzrsfull. Sz.Thatthereis nogreatexxllencie in worldly power andau- theritie. 31; §. 3. That worldlyasthoritieandpower doth not profite vsfor the attaining tograce andvertue. 313 §. 4. That bewho bath m®fl authoritie oser others , bath leaf! in ruling hinofefe. 315 §. 5. Thatworldly authoritie freeeth vs not from our greatene- uils. 316 s. 6.Thatworldly authoritieisaccompaniedzfualy:withpride and tyrannie. 317 §. 7.7hatworldly authoritie isslimily accompanied with vniufltce andopprF/Ton. 319 §.8.That worldly authoritie expofeth men to enuie and many dangers. 321 §. 9. That abusedatuthoritie fubieEleth men to Gods vengeance. 322. §. I o. That fßiiritnall power to much to be preferred before that whichis worldly. 323 CHAP. XI!: Ofthevanitieofworldly nobilitie. 5.'. What toobilitie £c, aodtheJignes thereof. 325 §. 2. That nobilitie in itfelfeisgoodandlawfull. 325 s. 3.That true nobilitieis much to behonoured and re f eRed.3 27 §. 4.That worldly nobilitie is ofnoworth orexcellencie. 3 28 s. 5. That there ta no cause why any Jhouldglorie in worldly nobi. line. 330 s. 6. ThatGodrefs eElethnot worldly nobilitie. 330 §.7. That Chrifl neglefledworldly nobilitie. 3 3 t s,8. That worldly nobilitie is momentayand mutable. 332 §.9. Thatvpfart nobilitie ioyned with vertue is tobepreferred before thatwhich isdellituteofir,rhough it (Oancient.3 33 5.10. 74 t worldly nobilitie is vnprofirable. 334 §.II.The

The Contents. §. I t.The vnprofitableneffeofworldly nobilitie /hewedbydiners examples. 336 $.12.That worldlynobilitie maketh man proud andnegligent in thepratlofeofreligion. 338 5. 13. Thatnobilitie festeredfrom vertue, dijgracetk thofethat haueit. 339 §. 14.That .firituallnobilitie imuch to bepreferred beforethat which is worldly. 341 5. 15.That thepriuiledges of F»ritua/lnobilitkaremuchgreater thenofthatwhich is worldly. CHAP. XIII. Of the vanitie ofworld!ykingdomes andmonarchies. §. t .7-hat kinglyandfupremeauthoritie is in itfelfegood , andto be reuerencedandref /wiled. §. 2. That royaltie and fupremcauthoritie is the gift andblefing ofGod. §. 3.T/76,i-roubles and encombrances which akingdome bringth with it. 345 §. 4. Thecares which accompanya kingdom inrc f#cíl ofhim that reigneth. 347 §. 5. The care whichahing taketh in reewEl ofhisfubicar. 348 §. 6. The weightieburthen andpain f lllabour, which accornpa. .niethfoueraigntie. §. 7. That Princes are much troubled with the violenceof their vnruyaie/lions. 35° §. 8. Thedangers which are incident to Mopthat arein fupreme aushorit ie. 2 §.9.Of the vngratitudc ofthe people towards their gouernors. 35. 5. io. Thegreat account that Princeshaue to make at theday of judgement. 354 §. 11. That worldlyha'ngdomes èbufedarethecaufes ofmanyfins. 3s5. 5. I 2. Of thepunif'iment which God infiiileth upon euill kings x56. 5.13. That Godbringeth vpon endkings haflie deflrutlion. 358 §.14.of

ThéConteurs; §.14.O f thefiiirituallkingdome which euery onefJould labouraf- ter. 358 5.15. That we are to labourafter thekingdome ofheauen. 3 59 CHAP. XIIII. Ofthe worthleffe vanitie ofworldly riches. S. -. That worldly richesare to be contemnedas vaine andworth_ le1fe. 36o §. a. Ofthe vanitie ofgreat lands, andlarge Lordfhips. 361 §. 3. Ofthcvanitie ofgoldandfaluer. 362 S. 4. Thevanitie ofrich jewelsandcoilyfurniture. 364 §. 5. Ofthevanitieofîtmptuous buildings. 368 §. 6. The vanitieofa numerousfamilie. 37i CHAP. XV. Ofth evanitie ofcoully andbraue appareil. S. That rich and coJly appareil is lawful! to thofe whoare of highplaceandcalling. 371 5.2. That their appareilfhouldnot bebufeandfordidour, which areofgaodgualitie. 377 5.3. Ofthegreat abufeofapparelthroughexcusebrauery. 377 5.4. Oftheabufeofappareilin reJeEl o f cofilinef e. 378 §. 5. Oftheabufe ofapparell, in ref iel! ofafhions. 379 S. 6. Oftheabufe ofapparellinreel!oftheends therof , whichare hone/lie andprofite. 38! §.7.Oftheabufe ofcofiy appareil in re#e7 of the common vIe thereof. 382 5.8. Reafons todijfwadeai from abufes in appareil , becaufe God hashforbidden this exceffiasebrauery. 383 S. 9. TheoriginallofapparcllAmidpreferuevs from takingpride init. 384 5. to. Thatexce/lue brauery in apparellmisbefeemeth ChrjJlians. 385 5.! 1. That thisbrauerybath init no worth or exce(leney. 387 S. 12. That in this brauery we haue no preheminence before thole who areofbafecondition. 388 . 5.13 .That thisexceluecol# inapparelclothnot better the wearers 3g9 c 2 S.4.That

TheContents. §. 14. That excefflue brasserie Bothnot make chafe that Aeeare it morecommendable. 390 s..i 5.That this brasseriegraceth neither thebeautifnllnordefor- med, vertuout or vicious. 391 §.16. That coilyapparelldoth not make thofethat weare it more relei7ed. 392 §. t 7. Ofthe etti: which accompanie exce ?uebrauerie: 1./mite aeainfl God. 394 g. 18. Too much care in decking thebody , argreeth thenegle/ of thefoule. 395 §:19.That theywhovfe excefrein apparel , ofendagain/ their brethrenbygiuingoffence. 397 §. zo.Theirexcufe taken away who pretend inward humilitie though they exceed inoutwardbrauerie, 398 §. 2t. Theirexcufeanfweredwhopretendthepleafingoftheirhut. bandy asthe taufe oftheir excelfe. 399 §. zz. That exct:gluebrauerie is the taufe ofmanyfacet, in ref(ßeil ofthofcehat wean it. §. 23. That thisexceffecau ,rethmany euils,both toprivateperfont andto thecommonwealth. 4102 §. 24. That tally andvaine apparellis thefinite ofpride andfelle loue. 404 g. z5. Ofthepunifhsnent which God inflibleth vponmenforpride inapparell. 405 §. z6. That wearemuchaopreferre the fpiritua!lornament o_ f the fluke, before corporall. 407 CHAP XVI. Ofthevanitie ofworld ly pleafures. §. T. Worldlypleafures areofna worth, in comparifinof heaueny ieyes. 408 g. z. That worldlypleatsres aregiftsofan in feriournature,which arebellowedmoßplentifully vpon the wicked. 409 §. 3. That thebrutoJbcreatures haze the large' harein earthly plea/isres. 411 5.4.That worldlyplea( ures areoflefe ogee=becaufethey are apt to heabufed. 412 5. That

TheContents. . g, 5. rhat thevanitieofworldlypleafuresfhouldmakevsto feeke jpiritua(land beamed" ¡oyes. 413 CHAP. XVII. That worldly things do not fa tisfie, nor bring content- ment to thofc that haue them. §. a .7'hatworldly thingsdo notbring that contentment which they promife. 415 §. 2.That worldly thingspo f fef f'eddo but inflamethe defre. 416 §. 3. The reafons why the mind of man cannot befatisfied with earthly things. 417 §.4. That it isgreatfolly tofeeke,for content inearthly abundance. 419 s. 5,The infaficiencyof wordly things to giuecontent , (hewedby examples. 421 §, 6, That honoursbringno contentment to thofe that haue them. 422. S.7.That there is nofatietieor content in riches. 424 §. 8.That worldlyrichespromife contentment, but cannotgioie et, andthe reafons why. 425 §.9.That covetous men themorethey abound,themore theywant. 427 5. Io. Thatcouetotumen aremore in want then thePoore. 428 .Thatit is in vaine to feekeforcontentment inriches. 429 §. I 2. Anotherreafoo why riches fatisfienot, namely becaufethey arenot vfed. 430 §.i 3. That it is not the barepo(fen ofriches that makethrich. 5.14. Thatrich milersare ofall otherpooreff. 432 5. I ç. Themi('erable conditton ofrichmierr. 43 3. S. 16. That rirhmiíersareemptieof allgoodneffe ,beinggood nei- ther tothemfeluer nor others. 4 2 5 5. 17. That worldlypleafuresfatefienot, nor giue contentment. 437 CHAP. XVIII. Ofthe miferabie effe&s which accompany the in(ifheieney of worldly things , asdifcontent in all cflatcs, hoachíng fatietie, and an endlelfe delire ofchaaging. C 3 §.I.That

The Contents. S. x .Thatallmenaredafcontentedwiththeir eater, and ftrg, thole whoareofhonourable condition. 439 §. 2. Thedifcantent which accompaniethriches andplearares 440 S.z.That allmen inaliases , anding arefullof dafcontert. 441 5.4.0f theca,fes why worldling; arefofullofdfcantent. 444 S 5.7- hat worldlythings inffeed ofatisf-ingbring with them loa- thinófat;etie. 446 §.6.From the i fufficíencyof worldly things tofatisfie , proçeedeth anendleffe defre andofellation ofchange. 448 5 .7.7heformerpoint clearedbyfameinflantes, 451 CHAP. XIX. Oftheexcellencyoftruc contentment, and chemeanes wherebywe mayattainc vnto ir. §.I.That contentment is to be foughtnotin the world/Isst in Gods fßiritua,'lgraces. 45 2 §.z.Thatffirituall contentment much exceedeth allcontentmentin worldly things. 454 §.3,That contentment isamedicinefor allmiferie. 456 §.4.7hat contentment is tobefought,not inoutwardthings,but in the heart andmind. 5. 5.7hat wemug feeAZecontentment , not by multiplyingwo 4d y vanities,but by moderating our dfres andaffeílions. 459 §.6.Ifwewouldhateecontentment inriches, we mall lay afideco- uetoufneffe. 461 §.7.Thatcontentment inpleafures,is had,not bymultiplying them, but by riftrainingourappetites. 463 §.8.7hefirgandchiefs meanerofcontentationiswholely torejig-me ourTellies to the willofGod. 464 5.9.7hat Chr f iant mayfafely andfecurely ret on Godsproni- deuce. 466 5.1o.Thereaforu why theLordgiuethworldly thingstofame of his children,andnot to others. 468 §.t i .Thereafonswhy theL irdma/Zeth not allhis children rich in allwooIdybenefites. 470 4.1z.7hefecondmeanes ofcontentm_nti.e to lade agodly l fe. 72 5.13.The thirdmeaner is to thinks ofour benfates as wellas ofora wants. 473 g.14.That

The Contents: 5.14.That perfebiandfull contentation is oney to befound inhea- uenly happineffe. 474 CHAP. xx. Ofthevnprofitablenes ofworldly vanities in comparifon of Gods fpirituall graces and heauenly íoycs. i .That there is noprofite in worldly things to thofewho fet their hearts on them. 476 §.2.That worldly honoursare vnprofitable. 477 5.3.7-hat there is noprofite in worldly riches. 477 9.4.That richesaremoll vnprofitable tofordtdous miters. 480 §,s .Ofthe vnprofitablenef feofworldlypleafures. 483 §,6.Thatworldly thingsdo notfurther themaine ends at whichwe aime,aisfirfl theydo not make vs truly better. 48g §.7.That we arenot betteredbyhonors ,riches,or carnallpleafures. 488. CHAP. xxi. That worldlythings profit not to theattainingofthofe things whichare chieflygood,nor to the auoiding ofour greatenevils. §.t .That worldly thingshelpe not to enrich our minds withvertue andGodsfatting graces. 491 5.i.That worldly things do not make vs morefuir-full in good workes. 492 §.3.That worldly things donot makethem ,who haue them, more merry and chearefull. 494 §.4.Thatworldly pleafures arevoide of truepleafure , andfound delight. 496 §. s.That worldly things afire vs 'yteither of the loue ofrodnor man. 497 §.6.Thatworldly thingsdo not helpe to free vsfrom ourgreatefl evils: asfirfi,theydonot deliuervsfromdangers. 499 §.7.Worldly things cure notthe bodyofficknef es fettles. goo 5,8 Worldlythings donot profit in the dayofGodsviftation. soy §.9.7batworldly thingsprofit not at thehowreo fdeath. 5o6 5.' o.Thatworldly thingsat the day of death bring riouch griefe andbitternef e. 5°9 §, t t.That worldly thingsprofitenot after our reparation. go t S. i 2.That worldly thingswill not profitevs at theday offudge- c ment.