Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

A methedicallTabit,Jhetring the order obferued in the wholebooke. (r .What heis,Chap.r. (ln himfclfe,towir,euil, andthat becaufe he is (The na- tureof ÿ enemie, { 1.0fwhat where is (hewed condition and quali- tie, St that both Chap.z. The e- 5- ncmie a- ga;ni} whb wee fight, where is ]- rxprctfcd n m 0ó S- o çI S- S us n ó O m a P% Right SeeA.. c. s.Themanner ofhis fight,and weapons which he sfcth,whichare tentations-either on the Left hand. Subic& unto Sa- tan. §.I Contrary and op.. poft toGod.§.r (Will, beeing exceeding mali. cious.§.4. (Prudent and fubtill. §.g. Tovs, to wir, very dgerous and drat' both in . refpe tof is rr.The comman- demêt ofGod. g.r. z.From the par- fion of Chrift. §.1. 3. The necef}ìtio of the fight, which appea- reth by diuers reafons. §. 3. to 9. 4.Our affured hope of viâo. rie.§.9. S.The greatnes- ofthe reward,' promifed to thofe that o. uercoare. Reafcns en- couragingvs [t6 fight which < arc taken from Chap.3. o o- f His owne (Reafon, flrengrh.§.é namely, bccaufe { Through hcc is aid ofout firóg in I corrupt L9elh.4.7 CAncnét times.§.S; ra rn Our owne times, L, & that C both in World- lings.§:. 9.10. Faithful' A3