Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

8o8 71arwarldlrthintAifrdelcreafeo.Hdensnarjoss. momentenjoyed faucet gardes,pleafant orchards,delightful walkes,andruelodiousmuficke, when as now having aban- doned vs, weare terrifiedwithGodswrath,and fcorched in the vnquenchable flamesoftel?O then let vs remember this in time that wemaypreuentit for euer;andwhilefithe Lord giucth vs face to make our freechoice, let vs prefer in our judgements, and leek after withal ourhearts and affemions, thofe heavenly and cternall ioyes, before thefe earthly and momentanievanities; and foweane ourhearts and affeftions from the loue oftheworld and worldly things, that we doe not vfc any vnlawfull meanes for the getting or keeping them;aud fohazard thelofle ofour glorious and euerlafltng inheritance, and endanger bodie and foule to thole intol- lerable and neuer ending torments: and that the rather bccauCe after death there is no repentance, nor hope ofrecouerieafter Come triall and tafle ofthefe miferies,feeingout ofhelthere is no redemption, nor goale -deli- uerie outofthis prifonofvt.. ter darkencf%. Tbeendefthefcoedbook:. THE