Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

The Contents. That Saints departed are not to be invocated 6r Chap,13 That we mull conceive of God in prayer as he bath re- vealed hirnfelf in his word 64 Whether Chri fl as Mediatour is to be invocated 66 14. That Chrifl alone is the Mediatour of intercefsion as well tis of redemption 68 15, That we mu fl pray onely in the name of Chrift 77 16. of the manner how we are to call upon God 8o That we mußl pray with upright hearts 82, &c. That we mull not pray with feigned lips and wan - dring thoughts 83,84, &c 17. of knowledge requirednecefirily in prayer 89 That prayer ought to be made in a known tongue 92 18. of Faith which is required in prayer lot 19. of Humilitie requiredin prayer 106 Faith and Humility mull be joyned inprayer t I o 20. of Reverence required in prayer, andHeartinef 113 21. of the Geflure to be ufedin prayer I 16 22. of the Voyce to be ufed in prayer 125 of Battelogie in prayer of the quantitie and qualitie of our prayers 133 23. Whether a fe tform ofpraycr may 6c ufêd 135 What we are to think of extemporall prayer 137 of coneeivedprayers and fitforms 1 39 24. of things required out of the aUion of prayer 14.1 Preparation unto prayer 4 of duties to be performed after prayer 144 2 5, of the Subject matter of our prayers, and what is re- quìred thereunto; namely, that it be good and accord- ing to Gods will 146 That being unable top ray we are afsed by the Spirit 147 of