Downame - BV209_D69_G6_1640_v1

The Contents. I-1 ow we muff expea thefecondcoming of Chrifi 298 The third Petition explained 3O1 of the will of God, and things which he willeth 303 How Gods well is done on earth 307 How Gods will is done on earth as in heaves 310 The matter and manner of our obedience 314, 315 Wherein our obedience refembleth that of the Angels 319 The expofition of the fourth Petition 324 Why we ask temporali blefsings before fpirituall 325 Whatir meant by Bread 337 What is meant by daily bread 330 How God is faidto give us daily bread 333, &c. Duties to be performed by them that ask daily bread 339, 34o, &c. The fifth Petition expounded 350 We mull be j ufified before we can be far/ailed 352 That our finnes are debts 355 What is meant by forgiving our trefpafTes 359 By this petition we are put in mindof our mifery and Gods mercy 361 No man can fatisfie Gods ju flice for his finnes 362 Severall duties oiling out of the fifth petition 368,369 our forgiving no caufe of Gods forgiving as 376 How we can be laid to forgive 379 .Reall ms moving us to forgive 385,&C. The fixth petition expounded 390 Thofe whom God pardoneth the devil tempteth 391 The necefsity of this prayer, Not to be lead into tem- ptation 392 of probations and trialls,1. by profperitl, 2. by afflic`ii- ons 3942395 of