Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH AP .3. 6oYlCerntng Creation. fini enlightened with the perfeót knowledge ofthe will ofGod,and of his moll holy Law,written and engranen in their mind bynature. Next , in a conformitie of the whole flrength ofNature,Vndertlanding, Will, Dcfire, Affeófions , and whacfoeuer elfe vino God , or a Power and alailitie in the reafonable Creature to performe the whole will of God. Happineffe is 311 that good,that can poflîbly fall vpon the Creature. It flandeth in three things : Fir,`+, The Loue of God vpon vs : who is good it felfe, and the chieeandonly good, from whence commeth all t`:e good ofMcn and Angels. Secondly, The enjoying of his gracious prefence, be ing al wales with him, and Peeing him face to face. Thirdly, A communion and participation, in force fart , lo farre as our nature can receiueofall thole excel- lencies that are in him, communicable to his creatures. Our Sauiour, as we heard before, reckoneth them ItAilatth.6. in the cenclufìon of the Lords Prayer, King- dome, Power, Glorie. Of his Kingdome wee participate, by the dominion and foueraigntte which flee giueth vs oucr the other Creatures. Of his Po\,er, by hauing flrength of nature, and abilitie to cxercife this fuueraigntie, and to put it in execution. Ofhis Glorie,andbeing full ofexcellencie within and without. Without, comely and beautifull ; within, glit. tering and Chilling in Verrue Wiledome , and all ocher Graces of themind.A. part alfo of thisGlory are Riches, Honour, Pleafures, and filch like. Thete things are now feueralay to be applyed to both thefe Creatures, beginni.rg with the Angels , whom the Scripture is wcint to call cArgels o fLight,and ahoy An pets g to note the puritie wherein they were created. Our Saujour 77 Iloiinefre, in :- rind enlighte- ned with the knowledge of the whole will oi God: and all thefl:rngth of nature confor- med thereun- to. ifppineffe, in the truition of Gods loue, and ( from thence com- ming ) a con- iunaion and communion withhim. Coniunftiotr is an enioying of his perfonal preenc. Communion is a par i_ipa- tion (in forne Cort) of his $leffedneffe, both Kingdom; Power, and Glorie, C 2.rpM;IY:I4, d Lttke9. 2,4 , .