Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAPí. conceriting GoD. z. His in- comprehenfi- hie and incor- ruptible glo- rie, they tranf- forme into the image of a corruptible creature as the Apoi}le fpeaketh,Kom. T. z3. painting him out Some- times after the likencffe of an oldman,fomet times in one fhape fome- times in ano- thcr,as ifTime did wearehim, or , Age alter bim,who is the Eternitie of Brae], andne- uer changeth. 3. Their prayers toHee Saints .& Shee Saints, & An- gels ; which is a glorie proper untoGod,Pra. 50.15. call on me,and I will deliuer thee : fo fhzlt thouglori- lie mee. And 3 head , both of his Nature and Perlons, whereinbee fhineth fo glorious , that the glorie of GOD is often vfed in the Scrip- tures for his Perlon and Prefence. So b (Motes befeecheth him to caufe his glorie topaffe before him : And in c Ezeehiel,ths blefJedglorie ofI E H o V AH is faid in (lead of his glorious and bleffed pretence. 2. His Eternall Councels, whether of fauing thole he chufeth,or dearoying thole whom he reie&eth:whereofthe Wife man d teacheth,that he made allfor himfelfe, that d Prom. t6.t' is,to the praife ofhis glorie. As the Apof?le handling the fame Argument , doth ex- pound it, Ephefi.6. 3. The Creation ; which,if Men were as dumbe as Stones, would of it (elfe fuíf"i- ciently proclaime the glorie of the Crea- tor : And yet he that will fee it fo let forth, as men may learne to admire it, let him read the nineteenth `Pfalme, The Heauen, declare theglorieof God, and the Firmament fhewetbhie handl -wore, 4. His Workes ; whereof the e Pro_ phot cryeth out That he it exalted aboue the Eartb,yea aboue the Hearten! themfelues, in theglorie of the fame :Dwelling moll high, butyet looking moß low, both in Heassen and in Earth, railing thepoore out of the daft, the needie out of the dunghill, &c. as followéth in that Pfalme. b Erod.33;t8. c Ezech,, e Pfabtir;. 4,6,7 their bowing to Stockes and Stones , whereof the Lord faith , Efay 4z. S. will not glue my glorie to another , nor my praife to earned Imzges. 4. They teach that the predetinating as well of the Elea to life , as of the Reprobate to condemnation is for their wokes fore-frene which the Apoftle, xomanes 9. zz, z3. teweth ro bee of his owne free pleafure , to Phew forth the riches of his might and glorie, B 2 5. The