Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.I. concerning G oD. S. The colleion and gatheringof his Church, where- in,as m Dassid faith,he vtterethAil htaglery.Semc foottleps m Pfal.ap.9. whereofwcre tobe feene in the peculiar choice.Firt},ofa Family in Abraham, Ifck lacob , and the twelue Patri- arkes, then ofa whole Nationof the Iewes,from the refs of thepeople of the world, Therefore, Both the Pfalmifl fay, In !cary is Godfamous,& hie Name isgreat in 1free1. n PjaL.r6.s But the ful accomplifhment of this his glory(whereofthe other was but a light precurfion) is vpon thebreaking downeof the partitiomwali betweenc the Iewes &Gen- tiles, and reconciling thern in one bodyvntohinifelfe. In which fence,the Apo{}le o afñrmeth,that euen to the An- o Ephef.3.Ioö gels themfelues, toprincipalities andpowers it made k owne through the Church,:he dicersandmanifoldwifedeine ofGod. And the p Pfalmit} long before had prop hefied,that when p PJal.Ioa. z . dehouahdid buildvpSion (by the comming of his Sonne, the callingof the Gentiles, and the full repayring of his Church vniuerfall) then fhouldhe befeene in hisglory. 9. SanUification of life, and the obedienceof his Saints, wherein, gWhatfoeaerwe doe, wedoe allto the ea- q to.;r. ry of God. To. The faluation it (elfe ofGods Ele& Handing in the participation of his glory. As the =Apofilenoteth,when r Rom.3.13.I3 he with, All homefinned, andcennefhort of thegloryofGod, that is, of eternall life, which we are to feeke and labour for ; not fo much for our owne good and happines, as for his glory,from all which we gather a rule toexamiue and ïudge ofall DoCtrines,thatthofe are euer fouudefl,which giue toGod the greatefl glory, and contrariwife, what- foeuerfoothethvp theproudfpirit ofman,or darkneth the gloryof the liuingGod, that, if there were no more, is caufeenough to makevs toreie& it. This our Sauiour tea- cheth,I4.7.1 S.he thatfeeketh thegloryofhim thatfenthim, 'he is true, and there is no vnrighteoufnef fe in hire, making it the certaine badge ofall true and heauenlyDo&rine,if it tend to glorifie God. As by the fame argument, Paul a- Liouchethhis Do&tine to bee fuch , that anAngeRfrom B3 J-Iea