Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

ligiousTraectates , whereby the iudgeMent of the Reader is thoruwly informed in thole diuineMy- fferies,and theheart and wil inclined to draw them into holy vie ; but , yet none deferue better of the Church of God , nor ought ra . her to haue their names regiffred with red Letters in theKalenderof the worthieft Saints, then they who in their Wri- tings or Sermons, doe skilfully coivrìue the whole building or body ofDiuinitie in a wel-framed plot, lay a found and lure foundation , and thereupon e- red the chick Principles and moll fubflantial parts which are the flrength and flayof all the Nit. For ifthe iudgement bee once thorowly informed in thefe mayne points- ; then is it able to deduce from innumerable particular Conclufions,for fpe- ciall infirmation and direction in the well-orde- ring of our lines in all fingular anions ; then may wee with profit and without peril of falling into pernicious errours,reade theholy Scriptures,when we are able to interpret them according to thefe in. fallible Canons and Rules; then may we heare the Word preached withynderflanding. ,and trie the fpírits of tholewho preach vino vs, whether they bee of God or no , when wee hueskill to examine their Dcarines according to this Analogic of Faith , and can trie them by this neuer-deceiuing Touchflone, whether theybee pure metal , or but reprobate filuer,and coumerfait coyne. Then ¡hall wee be more flrongly armed againft all aflaultsof enemies andaduerfaries to the Truth , falle Sedu- cers and fubtill Heretikess and be betterable to de- fend that Veritie which we'profttre , and conuince them