Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. Li concerning G o D. 23 j ú not lawful!for me to doewhat lwillwithmine owne? The other two things to be inferred from the infinite- neffe ofGod, arc : Fir(},That lie is inuifible by the eyes either of theBo- die or themind , as the Scripture in many places ter. meth him : whereupon it is laid, n That hee dwelleth in light,whichnone can ;Jame acceffe vnto. Secondly,That he is altogether incomprehenfibleof his creatures. So true it is which ° lob once fpake, How (mall a littlepiece doe wee heare ofhim? We come to theEternity ofGod,whercbyhe is with- out beginningand ending,and therefore of himfelfe,and unchangeable : for eternal! wee call that , that bath ther beginning of dayes,nor end of life ; but remayneth for euer one and the farne,not 1ùbiea to any change. As Melchfedek and his Priefa-hood are typically let forth, Heb.7.3. Such a one in trueth,doth the Scripture declare God to bec. That he is without beginning appeareth, F.fal 93.2.7 Thy Throne is efílablifhedbefore any time. Thou artfrom euerlafling, Reb.i.2.The Apoftle faith, hemade all Ages, and the times, and courfcs ofall things. Now he that is the Maker and Beginner of Time, muff needs himfelie be before all Time,ior which caufe he is called, P The Kingofall Age. and courfes ofTime. That he bath no end,Mofes q declareth in that Song, I E H 4vAHJhall reignforeuer and euer. Therefore he is called r the im- mortallGo D, who neuer perifeth, or commeth to any end,and is raid f alone to haste immortalitie: of them both. Dauid t faith ,Before the Hills wereframed , or thou had- de. theEarth,and inhabitedWorld : to conclude, from euerlafíing to euerlafling, thouart themightie God. The vnchangeablcneffe ofhis nature, remayning al- wayes one and the famewithout alteration , is fet forth, lames 1.17. when hee fayth, that with him is neither change nor fhaddow of turning :and 1Pfalach. 3.6. I am T-& HodA i ,and doenot chat ge.All this the word Ehiela C 4 , 410th And therefore al:o inuiíïblc, m r,Tim. r.t;, To the Ring e- uer1.rfling mortall inteiT ble col. r,rs. who is the image of the inuifib!e God,. eb.ta.t7. for be continued conflant , feeing as it Were him that isiruifiblea And incom- prehcnfible. n r.Tim 6.i6, o lob 16.14. Etcrnitie, whereby he is without begin- ning or en- ding. And therefore of himfelfe and vnchange able. p a.Tim r,r7, q E:cod.rS.T K 1.Tim r.r7, f i.Tim.6.16., t Pf41.9o.t.