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146 Hoye thefornicatorfinnethaping his neighbour, nameofa bale . They an rob it oftheir owne lout, not for any faultincffe in the child , but for the guilt of their owne finne; in which rcfpec}while° it is in thewombe, themother wifheth that it may be.a falffe conceptionand a- bortiue ; and the father,that it mayneuerliue to fee the Sun. When it is borne, they are ready to thinks , that when it cri- eth it proclaimeth their finne , and when it befinncth to , fpeake theyblufh for fhame,tvhen theyhears thcmlelues cal- led upon by the fwcetenames offather and mother, becaufc thereby their franc is called to remembrance . And as they doe communicate to their poorc children the fbame and punifhment oftheir faults, (ball() their finnes and corrupti ons thcmCelues; for they poífon them in the bud , and the fwunta,ne of generation being defiled with filthy luf} and vncleanneffe,polluteth allo the flreames which iffue from it: fo that it is no rare thin: to fee Inch children refemble their parents in their vnchafi manners, more then in their face & countenance . All which iniuries they recompenfe,byTcw- íng themlclues more injurious; for as they hated them in thebirth, Co they neglect them commonly in their growth; andmake amends for their finfull generation , with giuing vnto them look and prophane education ; whereby they grow in their corruptions, faf}er then in the nature of their body. And yet this is not halfe the rnilchiefe which they doe vnto them; for befides all this,as muchasin them lieth they exclude them out of the coucnantof grace, and blot them out ofthe number ofGods peopleand family,the which the Yvlatch.a,15 Lord willhaue:procreated and mcreafed with a holy feede, whereas they remaine polluted being ,the childrenofforni- 1.C7or.7s4. cation,andvncleane feedof vncleane parents, And ifat all theybee admitted into the outward couenant , and recciue the leales thereof, it is not for their parents fake,if they con- tinue in their finne ; but becaufe they are borneand brought vp in the bolom oftheirfpiritual mother theChurch, whjcta imparteth vnto themCome title and intcrefl vnto her boli- nethe. A notable placewe haue to this purpofe in the booke Wiid.30.r7 of Wifdome,where manyofthele euils are exprefled:chap. 3, x 6. Thechildren ofrvhorctnongersfliállnot beepartakersof hey