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Thatwe ought tofweare by the nameofCodalone. t r CHAP. III. Ofthe obie.Sl oflawfull othes : where is/hewedthat it is only lawfulltofweare by thename ofGod alone. Nd thus haue I /hewed that a man may in fome cafes take a lawfull oth. In thenext placewe are §.Seí`l. r. to Phewwhat othes are lawfull , and what vn- "'thing' lawfull vnto a lawfull oth dicers things are are required to alafuuo.b required , whereof force refpe& the obie& ofour othes, force the end,andTome the manner . In refpe&of the ob- ie& it is required that we fweare onlie by the name ofwemuff!war God;as may appeare by thefe reafons; firfl, becaufe the onety by the Lordbath as ffraitly commanded vs to fweare byhim a- trueG tithe lone,as to worfhip & feruehim alone. SoDeut.6. t 3.Thou Drcut.6.r3. (haltfeare theLord thy God andferue him, and/haltfweare ly his name.Efa.45.23. I haste f rornebymyfelfe,&c. that e- Efa.45.z3. eery kneefhal bow vntome, and emery tonguefhallfweare by and 6$.m6. me.And65. t 6.Mc thatJhallblcffein-theearth,fhalblebhim. felfe in the true God, andhee thatfweareth in the earth,(hall fwearby thetrugod.And contrariwife the Lordbath f}ri&- ly forbiddenvs to fweare by anyother bekdes himfelfe,as Io£z appeareth, Iof. 23. 7. Makenomention ofthename oftheir 3' gods,nor caufe tofweare by them,neither ferue them, norbow vnto them; which when the peopleofIfrael negle&ed,the Lord threatneth topunifh them for it. Ter. 5.7. Howfhalll ier. 5 7 tare theefor this ? thychildren haueforfaken me,and f vorne 6y them that arenogods.Exod.z3.t 3. Secondly , a lawfull Exod.2,3. 13. oth is a part of Gods worfhip,as being akind ofinuocati- on,and therefore they commit grofhe Idolatrie who glue it to any other . Thirdly , all our ablions muftproceed from faith groundedvpon Gods word , but in the wholeScrip- tures we haue nowarrant, neither by precept nor exam- plc,to fweare direly by any thing fauingby the name of God , or to call either Angel or Saint as witneffe to confirme adoubtful truth. For whereas it is obiecIed that lofeph fworcby the life §. Sell.t; ofPharaob,and that therefore it is law full to fweare by the ofio1cpbs otb C 2 creatures;