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Hew stilesaremarled 67vaèrrefwear/rs. Z t .Arles, that they are onely valiant in bearing blowes,and onely reColute anddefperate in prouoking Gods wrath by their bloody other , and inwilful' leaping into the fire of hell. The like maybe laid of theirSeruingmen,& attendants: §,Seíïz.$. for like matter , likeman ; neither are they more ready to seruingmen follow and waite vpon their perfons,then to imitate their much add ./a corrupt manners ; yea,and as they aremore bale in condi- to v y le tion,fo are they vfùaiiymore barbarous & brutifh in theitr g' itnpiety.In all which their graceleffe cariage,thcy are much graced by their irreligious tñailers, and exceedingly ani- mated in their wickedneffe by their liking and approbati- on. For are not thole in our times moil refpe&ed & coun- tenanced by prophane gentlemen, as being thefittel men tograce themby their feruice,that can defperatly fweare, fwaggerlike ruffians, beare mott drink,and put vp leaft in- ury,without taking (harpe reuengc?are not thofe thought to aduance molt their mailers credit, who in euery fentEce rap out an oth , &who in their talke wanting either words or matter, fupply the dcfe61 of both , and bumbaft (as it were) the empty places of their fentences with impious blafphemies?whereas contrariwife,ifany that fearethGod be entertained into thefe feruices , whowalketh in the fin- cerity ofhis heart before God , maketh confcienceof an oth,and fetteth a watchbefore the dare of his lips,that he offend not with his tongue , he is accounted by his matter tobe but a(hallow and limple fellow, altogether vnfit for any impioyment,and wondred at amonghis Iellowes, like an owleamorgP littlebirds. Neither are there men before fpolcen of , guiltie of this Se .9 vice alone, amongil whomweare taught by long expert- 0«r eat, ens ence toexpo&nobetter fruits; but euen our citizens,who giuca to vain in refpeft oftheir profeflìon fhould be or a fober and ciuill livcarkg, conuerfation,and in regardof the fpirituall meanes which theyhaue long inioyed , ougl;t tobe verruous and ous,doeexceedingly abound in this fine ; fometirnes ruf- fian-like,fwearing for a graceleffe grace; fontetirnes alder- like for their gaine and aduaiitage,feliing their foules vnto D 3. & tai