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Vnlatgullether Pndenot the cenfcience, 55 revue them , they (inne gricuouflyagainfl Go el by (wearing felfcly ;their fpcech not agreeing with their minde, and by prophaning his holy name in callinghim as a %timelier° confirme their vntruth, and as a patroneoftheir falfehood: They (inne again(} their neighbour in abufing himwith a deceit ofhighe(l natuce,namely;vnder the religious Phewof anoth : And finally, they finne moll fearcfuliy again(} their owne foules, by their defperate temptingofGod,prouoking Gods iu(lice, truth , power, and terrible vengeance againft themfelucs, for their knowne wickednetfe, and perfidiour- trechery and periury. On theother fide, if knowing their oth to beewicked , they haue a purpofe to performe it,then allo they finne again(l God,in makinghim not only aIudge andwitnctfe,but altoa furety that they will performcwic- ked anions, which bee abhorreth;.and again(' their ovine fuu;es iikcwife, in that they binde themfelues vnrocull with an oth , and as though they were not prone enoughoftheir owne accord ro fal into wickednei e,they bring vpon them a neccflity offinning, and confirme thcin.'elucs in cuill with the (bongobligation ofan oth. Secondly, an oth is vnlawfull and wicked in the proofs and cuent, ached as there lieth lurking in it tome concealed wickedndíl'e, which he that fweareth loth not difc erne. And- this is of two kinder : fitft, when as the ettill of the oth is really contained in the thing promifed , which is not difco, ucred at the takingof the oth , but afterwardsappeareth in theeucnt . Secondly, when as the thingwhich wee by oth promife , is in it owne nature good or indifferent, but after- wards degenerateth and becommeth ruin by accident , Of the former wee hauean example inE'er-NI, who by his rafit Margo oth fa°ore, though vnwitt ngly the death of/ohn the Liap- tifl;and in our owne time fweare theni(èlues vnto Monkillt cloillers in their fuperlitious deuot?on and blind zeale : ache other , in thofewho byoth vowvirgitii- tie and tingle life; the which courfe of lifemight be lawful' orindifferentar the time when they woke their oth, thcy* hauing prefLnt continency ; but afterwards becomiTeth wickedand vnlawfull , when as burning ip lut they bin de. them